Fariq Naik – Those Exempted from Fasting in the Month of Ramadhaan

Fariq Naik
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the rules for fasting in the month of Ester, stating that anyone who is sick or unable to fast in complain about it should make up for it later. They also mention that anyone who is traveling and has health issues should make up for their fasting needs later on.
AI: Transcript ©
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As far as fasting in the month of Ramadan is concerned, we all know

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that it is compulsory for us to fast in the month of Ramadan, but

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certain people who are sick and they are unable to fast in the

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month of Ramadan because of health issues, then they need to make up

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for the Miss fast. And Allah subhanaw taala says in the

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Glorious Quran in surah Baqarah Chapter number two that whosoever

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amongst you a sick from an academy in Cambodia than Allah Allah

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suffered in fact the two main aim and whosoever amongst you sick or

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his traveling, then he should make up for the fast later on. So if a

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person is sick, and because of his health issues, he's unable to fast

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he needs to make up for the Miss fast later on after the month of

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Ramadan when he's healthy. Or if a person is traveling he is exempted

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from fasting

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