Fariq Naik – The Verse Mistakenly Taken to Prove Death of Christ

Fariq Naik
AI: Summary ©
The transcript is difficult to summarize as it appears to be a jumbled mix of sentences and symbols.
AI: Transcript ©
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Allah subhanaw taala says in the Glorious Quran in surah Maryam

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chapter number 19 was Psalm 23 was Salam o Allah young man willing to

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wear a moto Bahia and peace be upon me the day that I was born

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and the day that I die and the day that I will be brought back to

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life, the world you're used is the day that I die not died. It isn't

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future tense, not in past tense. So it refers to something in the

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future the day that Jesus Christ peace upon will die and it is not

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in the past tense

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