Fariq Naik – the Scientific Facts in the Quran an Atheist cannot but Acknowledge the Existence of God

Fariq Naik
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AI: Summary ©

Speaker discusses the Glorious title, which refers to a book of science and the use of the word " Glorious" as a sign. They also mention the publication of the title and its significance in scientific literature. The speaker briefly mentions the use of " Glorious" as a sign in a book but does not provide further context.

AI: Summary ©

00:00:00 --> 00:00:04
			When you ask this atheist that who
mentioned all of the scientific
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			facts in the Glorious Quran 1400
years ago, the only response that
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			he can give you is the response
that he gave you previously. The
00:00:13 --> 00:00:18
			Creator, the manufacturer, the
maker, the producer, the inventor,
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			this creator, this manufacturer,
this maker, this producer, we in
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			Arabic We call him as Allah
subhanaw taala we Muslims
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			Coronavirus Allah subhanaw taala.
So therefore Allah subhanaw taala
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			has created us human beings and he
knows the mechanism of the human
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			beings and he is the best, who can
give us the solution for humanity
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			the solution to the problems of
humanity. So, all of the
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			scientific facts that are
mentioned the Glorious Quran this
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			clearly proves that the Glorious
Quran, it is not a human handiwork
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			but it is the word of Allah
subhanho wa Taala Albert Einstein,
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			Nobel Prize winner he says science
without religion is lame and
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			religion without science is blind.
Let me remind you the Glorious
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			Quran. It is not a book of
science, SC i e, n C, E, but it's
00:01:13 --> 00:01:18
			a book of signs, si G and S. It's
a book of IOP and there are no
00:01:18 --> 00:01:23
			less than 6000 signs 6000 ir out
of which more than 1000 speak
00:01:23 --> 00:01:24
			about science.