Fariq Naik – The Quran Spoke About the Rotation of the Sun 1400 Years Ago

Fariq Naik
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the Glorious Quran and its teachings about the Sun's movement. They explain that the title refers to the motion of the Sun and that it can be rotated about its own axis. The title also mentions that the sun has a long way to go before it can be rotated and that students will be taught about it in school.
AI: Transcript ©
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For more than 25 or 30 years back in schools it was taught that the

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sun it rewards but it does not rotate about its own axis. So the

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etc will say is this mentioned the Glorious Quran I will tell him no.

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What does the Glorious Quran say about the motion of the Sun? Allah

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subhanaw taala says the Glorious Quran and subtle Ambia chapter

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number 21 was Timothy three it is Allah who has created the night

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and the day, the sun and the moon, each in its orbit moving in its

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own motion.

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The Arabic word use is yes behind which refers to the motion of a

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moving body. So the Glorious Quran says that the sun it has a

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particular motion. And from this was the Glorious Quran we

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understand that the sun besides revolving, it even rotates about

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its own axis. And today after sciences advanced we have come to

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know that the sun besides revolving, it even rotates about

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its own axis, and today in the books of science, and we are

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taught in school as well, that the sun besides revolving, it rotates

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about its own axis and the sun takes approximately 25 days to

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complete one rotation. Who could have mentioned regarding the

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movement of the sun, and that besides it Rewald it even rotates

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about its own axis who could have mentioned this in the Glorious

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Quran 1400 years ago. The atheist, he will give a pause he will be

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silent. Don't wait for it. Continue

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