Fariq Naik – The Qur’an contains the Scientific Facts that Make an Atheist Admit the Existence of God
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The transcript describes a range of topics related to biology and technology, including a discussion on the fingerprints of a woman in a certain area, a discussion on the fingerprints of a woman in a certain area, and a mention of a woman in a certain area who is a man. The speakers do not provide specific details or context.
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In the field of medicine,
Allah subhanaw taala says MacLeods Quran is when the * Shabnam 16
was some six years six nine. What our * UP Booker Elon Napoleon
Tucker's immunology Bailey, buta? Wamena Shegerian. Maya showed some
McCullom and coolibah Murad first looky Subra Becky kulula Yeah
Corojo member Tonia Shut up. Telephone Palawan fee she found
the nurse in Nafi Delica la ayatullah call me at Africa rule.
And from the belly of the bee for the human beings we bring for your
various colors of liquid from the belly of the bee we bring for your
honey, which is healing for mankind.
In the field of physiology, Allah subhanaw taala talks about the
blood circulation and the production of milk. It's a
national chapter 16 was some 66 What inelegant Villa anomala,
Ebola Newspeak mafia boltonia and in the cattle, there is an
excellent example for you. We produce milk from their bodies and
meat for you to eat.
In the field of genetics, Allah subhanaw taala talks regarding
genetics, insulin najem Chapter Three was Psalm 45 and 46. And
Allah subhanaw taala also talks about genetics. It's the Kiama
chapter number 75 was from 37 to 39. Allah Mia could not further
money Yumna to Mecca and Allah Pathan for halacha for sola for
Charlamagne Huso, Janie DEKRA will answer
and it is a man flew this pump which is responsible for
determining the * of the child in the field of embryology. Allah
subhanaw taala says in surah Allah chapter 96 was number one and two
o'clock this miracle lady Holla Holla in Santa min Allah that the
human being has been created from a leech like substance, something
which clings a congealed clot of blood. And the Glorious Quran
talks about the various embryological stages in great
detail. In serum what we know in chapter number 23 was some 12 to
I'll just mention a few more examples the disbelievers they say
How will Allah subhanaw taala resurrect us once we have been
destroyed once you have been disintegrated? Allah subhanaw
taala says in Surah piano chapter number 75 was summer three and
four. I asked him Stan, Allah, Nigeria Varma Bella called in
Allah and so we are banana that to the unbelievers thing, we will not
be able to reassemble their bones, we will reassemble in very perfect
order the way it tips of their fingers.
And it was in 1880, west of Francis Galton, he discovered
regarding the fingerprinting method. And no wonder the FBI, the
CID, the CIA, they use this fingerprinting method to catch the
criminals. So the Glorious Quran talks about the fingerprints 1400
years ago, which science has discovered it recently.
You as atheists, that who grant mentioned all of this in the
Glorious Quran 1400 years ago,
he will tell you the same answer that he gave you at the beginning.
The Creator, the manufacturer, the maker, the inventor, the producer,
this creator, this manufacturer, this inventor, this producer in
Arabic we Muslims we call him as Allah subhanaw taala