Fariq Naik – The Oppression Done to the Palestinians Mobilised the Non Muslims Worldwide
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Speaker 1 discusses the negative sentiment that is being prevalent among Muslims and their families, particularly those who have lost their lives for Allah's sake. They express their belief that Islam is a reward for those who have sacrificed and encourage those who have lost their lives to focus on the main message of Islam.
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Today we see that many of the non Muslims as well, they are
supporting the Palestinian cause. And it has become Alhamdulillah
clear that the oppression that is being done to a Palestinian
brothers and sisters is totally wrong.
They are being oppressed, they are being bombarded. They are being
oppressed severely. So we pray to Allah subhanaw taala that may
Allah subhanaw taala grant that victory Allah in Nasrallah hickory
wearily, the victory of Allah subhanaw taala it is dear. And we
play for the martyrs from among our Palestinian brothers and
sisters, those who have sacrificed their lives for the sake of Allah
subhanho wa Taala May Allah subhanaw taala reward them for all
of their striving and struggling and may Allah subhanaw taala gland
and patience and may Allah subhanaw taala blunt all those
people who have lost their lives genital for DOS Allahumma Amin