Fariq Naik – The Oneness of God is there in Scriptures of All Major World Religions
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The speaker discusses the issue of the Bible's use of "slendings from the Bible" as a source of guidance for Muslims, as the Bible's teachings are not sufficient for those without a degree of understanding. The speaker suggests that the Bible's use of "slendings from the Bible" is not a source of guidance for Muslims, but rather a source of guidance for those with a degree of understanding.
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The worst is from the Bible. As far as Tauheed is concerned, the
losses from the Hindu scriptures as far as oneness of Allah
subhanaw taala is concerned and when we talk to the Christian to
the Hindus quoting from their religious scriptures, they are
impressed and inshallah it will draw them closer towards Allah
subhanaw taala all the scripts are the major world religions, they
talk about the heat, that is oneness of Allah subhanaw taala.
But we should see to it, that when we are quoting from the scripts of
the major world religions, we do not use this as a source of
guidance for us Muslims, the ultimate it is the Glorious Quran.
But many of the non Muslims the Christians, the Hindus did not
believe the Quran to be the word of God. Therefore, we need to
scope from their religious scriptures but we should not use
their religious scriptures as a source of guidance the only source
of guidance for us Muslims, it is the Glorious Quran and the
authentic teachings of our beloved Prophet Muhammad, peace and
blessings be upon him.