Fariq Naik – The Name Darul Aakhirah Used in the Quran for Jannah

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The transcript describes the common name of Jannah, praised as Daw al Af Qaeda, and the meaning of A Joy at Ten o'clock. Da'al or Aivity, referred to as the abode of the afterlife, and Aivity is reserved for Muslims. The name is given to those who believe in Allah and those who are Muslims.
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The 3rd
most common name of Jannah that's mentioned in
the glorious Quran, it is Daw al Afirah.
What does Daw al Afirah mean?
Daw, it means abole,
and Aftarah, it means hereafter.
So Da'al or Aftarah, it means the abode
of the afterlife, of the hereafter.
And this is mentioned in the law is
for Adam no less than 9 times.
This is one of the names of Chang'an.
This abor, it is reserved for the believers,
those who believe in Allah
Those who
are the believers
and those who are Muslims.