Fariq Naik – The Medias Weapon of Terrorism to Intimidate the Helpless Muslims
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The speaker discusses the misconception that Muslims are terrorists and uses various examples to illustrate the need for the same media to convey the message of Islam to non- Muslim individuals. The speaker emphasizes the importance of using the same media to bring together young people and convey the message of Islam to non- Muslim individuals.
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The third misconception is that Muslims are terrorists.
What is the meaning of the word terrorists? Terrorists, by
definition means a person who causes terror.
Whenever a robber sees a policeman, he's terrified. So for
the robber, the policeman is a terrorist. Whenever any criminal
sees a policeman, he's terrified. So for the criminal, the policeman
is a terrorist.
Whenever any robber sees a Muslim, he shouldn't be terrified whenever
and if they perceive the Muslim, he should be terrified. Whenever
any anti social element sees a Muslim, he shouldn't be terrified,
like the police, every Muslim should be a terrorist to the anti
social elements.
I'm aware that this word terrorist is more commonly used to terrorize
an innocent human being.
In this context, no Muslim should ever realize an innocent human
many a time, two different labels are given to the same person for
the same activity.
Six years back, when the Indians were ruled by the British
and the people who were fighting for the freedom of the country,
and these people by the British government, they will call us
terrorists, whereas by the common Indians, they will call us freedom
fighters as patriots, same people, same activity, to the labels.
If we agree with the view of the British government, that the
Britishers had tried to rule over India, then you would call these
people as terrorists.
Well as if you agree with the view of the common Indians, that the
Britishers had come to the trade, they had no right to rule over us,
then you would call these people as freedom fighters as patriots,
same people, same activity, but two different labels.
And you can use several such examples. Allah subhanaw taala
says in the Glorious Quran in surah surah chapter 49 Verse
number six, yeah, you are letting me know in jail confessor,
combinable, and Fatima Yahoo, and unforeseeable column which are
hella for to spill Halima for ultimatum in all you who believe
when a message comes to the check it up before you pass it on to the
third person.
We have the example of the American Revolution that took
place in 1775.
George Washington by the British government, he was called a status
number one.
And later on, he becomes the president of USA, imagine that it
is number one, becoming the president of USA, and he happens
to be the godfather of all the precedents, including George Bush.
We have the example of Nelson Mandela, when South Africa was
ruled by the white apartheid government, Nelson Mandela was
imprisoned in Robben islands for more than 25 years. And by the
white apartheid government, you must call as terrorists number
Later on.
When South Africa gets its freedom, and the white apartheid
government is thrown out, Nelson Mandela gets fried. And he becomes
the president of South Africa and gets the Nobel Prize for Peace.
Imagine terrorists number one, getting the Nobel Prize for Peace.
So your video lives, the media, whatever label it gives to a
person, that label gets stuck to him. The media is very powerful.
It can turn black into white, white into black, he will into
villain villain into hero.
This is the power of the media. We Muslims, we our backward we need
to use the same media we have to make it halal to strive to convey
the message of Islam.
And I do know that 99% things would come on the television that
are haram but we need to do the same media we have to make it
halal to strive to convey the message of Islam.
Today is the age of science and technology, the youngsters that
are going on the wrong track. We need to use the same media to
bring the youngsters on the right track.
And as long as we are within the purview of the Islamic Sharia, we
need to do the same media that to me
Make it allow to convey the message of Islam to the non
Muslims to those who are unaware of it