Fariq Naik – The Greater the Test in Life, the Greater the Reward in the Hereafter

Fariq Naik
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AI: Summary ©

The speaker discusses the poor quality of a person and how they are unable to contribute to a car test. They also mention that wealth is not the only important factor for success, as many people have different levels of wealth. The speaker suggests that people will benefit from tests and reward from Halal, and that peace andContinility will also be achieved through tests and reward.

AI: Summary ©

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			For example, there is a poor
person, many people see which are
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			very bad me here, but this person
as far as the cat is concerned he
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			will get 100 out of 100 in the
car, he does not have to give the
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			car because his wealth is less
than than the sub level. But a
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			rich person who's very wealthy he
needs to give the car he will be
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			accountable for all the wealth
that he has on whether he has
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			earned through Halal means where
has he spent his wealth? All of
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			this will be question to him by
Allah subhanho wa taala. So Allah
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			subhanaw taala tests different
people in different ways. And the
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			greater the test the greater the
reward from Allah subhanaw taala
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			Amir the prophets, they were the
maximum people who are tested, but
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			the board with patience. So if we
bear the tests and the calamities
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			that befall us with patience, we
will see the benefit of it in the
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			afterlife. And we will also find
sukoon peace and tranquility in
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			this life as well as the next life