Fariq Naik – The Exemplary Resilience of the Palestinians

Fariq Naik
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the ongoing attacked and murdered optimization of Jewish Muslims in the United States and Europe, including the loss of family members and the struggles of non-Muslims to achieve their goals. They also mention the importance of praying for the upcoming conflict between the United States and Israel, as well as the need for support for their brothers and sisters.
AI: Transcript ©
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I would like to stress upon the ongoing

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genocide that is happening to our Palestinian brothers

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and sisters in Gaza.

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More than 17,000 Palestinians have been killed

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in Gaza since 7th of October.

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According to Al Jazeera, more than 25,000

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Palestinians are either killed or misplaced in Gaza.

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This is a genocide that is done by

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We pray for our Palestinian brothers and sisters.

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May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala keep them

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May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala reward them

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and may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala give

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them Jannatul Firdaus.

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For those who are martyrs, may Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala admit them into Jannatul Firdaus.

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We see our Palestinian brothers and sisters, even

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though they are being bombed, yet they are

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patient and they remember Allah subhanahu wa ta

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They do not lose hope in Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala.

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And we are seeing videos, in fact live

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videos of our Palestinian brothers and sisters being

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bombed and being attacked.

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And unfortunately, the Muslim world is not doing

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It is a pity state.

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But Alhamdulillah in this situation, we see the

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non-Muslims as a whole, whether it be

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in the western countries, whether it be in

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America, whether it be in UK, whether it

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be in Europe, Germany, France, all of these

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countries, besides the Muslims, even non-Muslims, they

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are standing up for the cause of Palestine.

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As far as the non-Muslims are concerned,

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the common people, they are supporting the Palestinian

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So there is an awakening.

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People, they want to learn more about Islam.

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Several Palestinians have been killed, but at the

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same time, there are several non-Muslims who

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want to read about Islam.

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They are concerned that how come these Palestinian

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brothers and sisters, even though they are being

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bombed, they are losing their family members, yet

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they are patient and they remember Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala.

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The non-Muslims, they are shocked.

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What is the resilience and the courage of

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these Palestinian brothers and sisters, which is leading

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to the non-Muslims reading the glorious Quran,

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which is leading to many of the non

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-Muslims accepting Islam.

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They plan and plot and Allah plans and

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Allah is the best of planners.

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So the non-Muslims, they are reading more

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about Islam after this issue of Palestine.

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The Palestinian brothers and sisters, they are very

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courageous and may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala

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reward them for their efforts.

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We see so many videos wherein the Palestinian

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brothers and sisters, even though they are losing

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their loved ones and their family members, yet

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they are patient and they know that this

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is a test from Allah subhanahu wa ta

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And what great reward from Allah subhanahu wa

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ta'ala than sacrificing your life for the

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sake of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, being

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a martyr for the sake of Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala.

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And we know several ahadith of our beloved

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Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, which stress

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upon the virtues of a martyr.

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We need to support our Palestinian brothers and

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sisters to the best of our capabilities.

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We need to stand up for our Palestinian

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brothers and sisters and object to what Israel

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is doing, wherein they are killing innocent women,

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children and civilians.

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We pray to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala

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that may continue keeping our Palestinian brothers and

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sisters steadfast and may Allah subhanahu wa ta

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'ala grant all of those who have lost

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their lives with Jannatul Firdaus.

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May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala admit them

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into the gardens of paradise.

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We ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, we

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pray to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala that

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may he always be with our Palestinian brothers

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and sisters and we pray for the victory

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of Palestine.

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says, ala inna

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nasrallahi qareeb, verily the victory of Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala, it is close.

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, he knows what

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oppression is happening.

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It is a test for the Palestinian brothers

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and sisters and at the same time it

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is a test for us how much we

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are ready to sacrifice and support our Palestinian

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brothers and sisters during this ongoing slaughter and

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