Fariq Naik – The Enemies of Islam Misquote it and Spread a Misinformation about It
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And Allah subhanaw taala says retold by chapter nine verse,
Psalm six, that if the enemies if the non Muslims in the battlefield
have to seek asylum, don't just grant to them, escort them to a
place of security. Any Army General the maximum we can do to
the enemies you can say go you are free but the Glorious Quran goes a
step further and says that do not just go on the freedom as called
them to a place of security because there are chances that
other people will attack them.
So aren't surely and other critics of Islam, the skip verses and the
misquote the Glorious Quran and if you go on the internet, you will
not have to be a scholar. to misquote the Quran. You will find
several allegations but all of them they are either Miss
translations or quotations out of context. So such critics of Islam
they misquote the Glorious Quran.
The third strategy used by the media is that they say certain
things which are alien to Islam. For example, they say Islam is an
unscientific religion,
and one of the famous Bangladeshi writers by the name of the
sliminess when she says that the Glorious Quran says that the Salat
revolves around the Earth. So how can the Muslims believe it's such
an unscientific book? How will they advance if they believe it's
such an unscientific book?
What she's referring to is the worst of the Glorious Quran from
Surah Ambia chapter 21 was some 33
Wahoo a lady halacha Leila and how it is Allah was created the night
and the day was Shams, our karma, the sun and the moon, golden
Falcon, yes, behind each in its orbit moving in its own motion. To
the Glorious Quran say the Sun, the Moon and the Earth are moving
in their own motion in their own orbits. Nowhere does the Glorious
Quran say the sun it revolves around the Earth. I challenge any
human being to point out a single place when the Glorious Quran says
that the sun it revolves around the Earth. Allah subhanaw taala
says that the sun, the moon and the earth, each of them are moving
in their own orbit.
So this is the third strategy. They say certain things which are
alien to Islam. And the fourth strategy used by the media is that
they say certain things and they say because of this, Islam is a
problem for humanity. And they say that Muslims are fundamentalist
Muslims are terrorists. Islam is an intolerant village and we
Muslims, we get apologetic? No, no, no, Islam is not an intolerant
religion, but rather we should use that strategy of turning the
tables over. The media says that Muslims are fundamentalist. What
is the meaning of the word fundamentalists? Fundamentalists,
by definition means a person who follows the fundamentals of a
particular subject. For example, for a person to be a good
mathematician, he should know follow and strive to practice the
fundamentals of maths. Unless he's a fundamentalist in the field of
math, he cannot be a good mathematician. For the person to
be a good scientist he should know follow and strive to practice the
fundamentals of science. Alessi the fundamentalists in the field
of science, he cannot be the scientist. You cannot paint all
fundamentalists with the same brush that all are good or all
apart. Depending upon which field the person is a fundamentalist,
you have to label them accordingly.
For example, there's a fundamentalist robber. He's a bait
for the society, on the other hand, does a fundamentalist
doctor, he's a boon for the society. As far as I'm concerned,
I am a fundamentalist Muslim, and I are proud to be a fundamentalist
Because I know and I strive to practice the fundamentals of
Islam. And I know that there is not a single fundamental of Islam,
which is against humanity as a whole.
I challenge any human being to point out a single fundamental of
Islam, which is against humanity as a whole.
There may be some fundamentals, which some people might think
they're against humanity, but the moment to give the logical
background, there is not a single fundamental of Islam against
humanity as a whole