Fariq Naik – The Enemies of Islam Misquote it and Spread a Misinformation about It

Fariq Naik
AI: Summary ©
The transcript discusses three strategies used by Islam: the Glorious Quran, the Glorious Quran, and the media. These strategies involve misunderstandings of the Glorious Quran, false accusations of being a fundamentalist, and false accusations of being a fundamentalist. The transcript emphasizes the importance of following the Glorious Quran and following the media's claims about Islam's fundamentalist origins.
AI: Transcript ©
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And Allah subhanaw taala says retold by chapter nine verse,

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Psalm six, that if the enemies if the non Muslims in the battlefield

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have to seek asylum, don't just grant to them, escort them to a

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place of security. Any Army General the maximum we can do to

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the enemies you can say go you are free but the Glorious Quran goes a

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step further and says that do not just go on the freedom as called

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them to a place of security because there are chances that

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other people will attack them.

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So aren't surely and other critics of Islam, the skip verses and the

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misquote the Glorious Quran and if you go on the internet, you will

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not have to be a scholar. to misquote the Quran. You will find

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several allegations but all of them they are either Miss

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translations or quotations out of context. So such critics of Islam

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they misquote the Glorious Quran.

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The third strategy used by the media is that they say certain

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things which are alien to Islam. For example, they say Islam is an

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unscientific religion,

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and one of the famous Bangladeshi writers by the name of the

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sliminess when she says that the Glorious Quran says that the Salat

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revolves around the Earth. So how can the Muslims believe it's such

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an unscientific book? How will they advance if they believe it's

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such an unscientific book?

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What she's referring to is the worst of the Glorious Quran from

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Surah Ambia chapter 21 was some 33

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Wahoo a lady halacha Leila and how it is Allah was created the night

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and the day was Shams, our karma, the sun and the moon, golden

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Falcon, yes, behind each in its orbit moving in its own motion. To

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the Glorious Quran say the Sun, the Moon and the Earth are moving

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in their own motion in their own orbits. Nowhere does the Glorious

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Quran say the sun it revolves around the Earth. I challenge any

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human being to point out a single place when the Glorious Quran says

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that the sun it revolves around the Earth. Allah subhanaw taala

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says that the sun, the moon and the earth, each of them are moving

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in their own orbit.

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So this is the third strategy. They say certain things which are

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alien to Islam. And the fourth strategy used by the media is that

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they say certain things and they say because of this, Islam is a

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problem for humanity. And they say that Muslims are fundamentalist

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Muslims are terrorists. Islam is an intolerant village and we

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Muslims, we get apologetic? No, no, no, Islam is not an intolerant

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religion, but rather we should use that strategy of turning the

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tables over. The media says that Muslims are fundamentalist. What

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is the meaning of the word fundamentalists? Fundamentalists,

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by definition means a person who follows the fundamentals of a

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particular subject. For example, for a person to be a good

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mathematician, he should know follow and strive to practice the

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fundamentals of maths. Unless he's a fundamentalist in the field of

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math, he cannot be a good mathematician. For the person to

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be a good scientist he should know follow and strive to practice the

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fundamentals of science. Alessi the fundamentalists in the field

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of science, he cannot be the scientist. You cannot paint all

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fundamentalists with the same brush that all are good or all

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apart. Depending upon which field the person is a fundamentalist,

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you have to label them accordingly.

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For example, there's a fundamentalist robber. He's a bait

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for the society, on the other hand, does a fundamentalist

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doctor, he's a boon for the society. As far as I'm concerned,

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I am a fundamentalist Muslim, and I are proud to be a fundamentalist

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Because I know and I strive to practice the fundamentals of

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Islam. And I know that there is not a single fundamental of Islam,

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which is against humanity as a whole.

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I challenge any human being to point out a single fundamental of

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Islam, which is against humanity as a whole.

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There may be some fundamentals, which some people might think

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they're against humanity, but the moment to give the logical

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background, there is not a single fundamental of Islam against

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humanity as a whole

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