Fariq Naik – The Discovery of the Expansion of the Universe; a Quranic Breakthrough

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Speaker 1 discusses the history of the Glorious Quran and how it has been expanding for billions of years. They also mention that the Glorious Quran has been a source of confusion for people who believe it is not great to discuss the topic of astronomy because it was only after the discovery of the Glorious Quran. Speaker 1 also mentions that the Glorious Quran has been a source of confusion for people who believe it is not great to discuss the topic of astronomy because it was only after the discovery of the Glorious Quran.
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The universe is expanding. And science has discovered this
recently few years back 100 years back 200 years back 300 years
back, Allah subhanaw taala says the Glorious Quran and Sunnah
Daria chapter 51 was Psalm 47. And we have created the expanding
universe. Allah subhanaw taala mentioned regarding the expanding
universe 1400 years ago, which science has discovered recently.
Now many people might argue and say that it is not great that the
glorious Krantz talks about astronomy as the Arabs, they were
very well versed in the field of astronomy. Let me remind you, it
was after the revelation of the Glorious Quran, that the Arabs,
they became experts in the field of astronomy. And it was because
of the Glorious Quran that Arabs they were expert, or they became
experts in the field of astronomy and not the vice versa. So it is
because of the Glorious Quran that Arabs they became good in the
field of astronomy or rather, experts in the field of astronomy