Fariq Naik – The Discovery of the Expansion of the Universe; a Quranic Breakthrough

Fariq Naik
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Speaker 1 discusses the history of the Glorious Quran and how it has been expanding for billions of years. They also mention that the Glorious Quran has been a source of confusion for people who believe it is not great to discuss the topic of astronomy because it was only after the discovery of the Glorious Quran. Speaker 1 also mentions that the Glorious Quran has been a source of confusion for people who believe it is not great to discuss the topic of astronomy because it was only after the discovery of the Glorious Quran.

AI: Summary ©

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			The universe is expanding. And
science has discovered this
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			recently few years back 100 years
back 200 years back 300 years
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			back, Allah subhanaw taala says
the Glorious Quran and Sunnah
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			Daria chapter 51 was Psalm 47. And
we have created the expanding
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			universe. Allah subhanaw taala
mentioned regarding the expanding
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			universe 1400 years ago, which
science has discovered recently.
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			Now many people might argue and
say that it is not great that the
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			glorious Krantz talks about
astronomy as the Arabs, they were
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			very well versed in the field of
astronomy. Let me remind you, it
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			was after the revelation of the
Glorious Quran, that the Arabs,
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			they became experts in the field
of astronomy. And it was because
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			of the Glorious Quran that Arabs
they were expert, or they became
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			experts in the field of astronomy
and not the vice versa. So it is
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			because of the Glorious Quran that
Arabs they became good in the
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			field of astronomy or rather,
experts in the field of astronomy