Fariq Naik – Sujood At Tilaawah places in the Qur’aan
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So sudo the tilava it is present in the Glorious Quran, no less
than 15 times. So two out of chapter number seven was tomato
106. In so to run chapter 13 was from 15 in Surah to Nahal chapter
16 was 1050 in certain Meriam chapter number 19 was 58 in Surah
to Israel chapter 17 was 109. So, to Hud Chapter number 22 was to
say 18. So, to normal chapter number 27 was number 26. So, to
such that chapter number 32 was number 15. So, to sod chapter
number 38 was number 24. In surah, two najem Chapman 53 was number
62. In Soto in Chicago, chapter number 84 was number 21, as well
as in Soto Accra, chapter number 96 was number 19 in no less than
15 places sujood Attila it is mentioned in the Glorious Quran