Fariq Naik – Since All Alternatives are Exhausted, the Qur’an has to be from God
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The transcript appears to be a paraphrasal statement or quote from a dialogue or conversation. It appears to be difficult to summarize as it appears to be a jumbled mix of sentences and phrases.
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something known as exhausting of the alternatives. You say, the
Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, he lied that he was not the
author of the grace grant. And he said that Almighty God was the
author of the Quran, he did for material gain. And he proved that
wrong. Later on you say he did for power, status and glory and
leadership and we prove that wrong. Later on you say they did
for unity of the Arabs and we prove that to wrong. So your each
and every alternative is getting exhausted. So now you need to give
a hearing to the Quran. The Quran has to be from Almighty God