Fariq Naik – Polygamy History, Rationale and Legality in Islam
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The Central Intelligence Agency in India has discovered that every man needs to have one wife, but it is not a rule. They see that every man needs to have one wife, and in some countries like India, the female population is more than a male population. The Central Intelligence Agency sees that every man needs to have one wife, and in some countries like India, the female population is more than a male population. They also see that every man needs to have one wife, and in some countries like India, the female population is more than a male population.
AI: Summary ©
The fifth most common question or misconception that is, in the
minds non Muslims is that why does Islam permit a Muslim man to have
more than one wife? Why is polygamy permitted in Islam?
Polygamy is a system of marriage. wherein a person has more than one
Polygamy is the wife did in two types. polygyny and polyandry
polygyny is when a man has more than one wife and polyandry is
when a woman has more than one husband. In Islam, limited
polygyny is permitted. But as polyandry it is completely
prohibited in Islam.
Quran is the only religious scripture on the face of the
earth, which contains the phrase mighty only one. Whereas the other
religious scriptures, they do not contain this phrase marry only one
whether it be Hinduism, whether it be Christianity, whether it be
Judaism, there is no restriction. A man can marry as many wives as
he wishes. And even the same is the case with Hinduism. And many
famous Hindu personalities even they had more than one wife
according to hindu scriptures. King Dasha, the father of Rama, he
had more than one wife, Krishna, how many wives did he have? For
10 100,000 16,108? So if Krishna can have 16,108 Why's why can you
Muslims are maximum for the same is the crease with Christianity.
There is no limit. A Christian man according to the Bible can marry
as many wives as wishes. It does not restrict a Christian man to
marry only one wife. The same is the case with Judaism. If you read
the Jewish Scriptures, Abraham had three wives Solomon had 700 wives.
So Christian man, according to Christianity can marry more than
one wife. It was later on that the Christian church put a
restriction. The same is the case with Judaism. A Jew can marry more
than one wife. It was later on that Rabbi Joseph Ben Yehuda, he
issued an edit and he said that a Jewish man should marry only one
wife. So Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, all of these religions,
they permitted their followers according to their scriptures to
have more than one wife. And there was an article, the Committee of
the status of women and slam published in 1975. And on page
number 66 and 67.
It mentioned regarding the polygamous marriages in India, in
the span of 10 years, from 1951 to 1961.
The Hindus they did 5.06% polygamous marriages, among the
Hindus the percentage of polygamous marriages it was 5.06%
among the Muslims in India was only 4.1%. According to the Indian
law, it is illegal for a Hindu to have more than one wife. But for
Muslim it is permitted according to Indian law. Yet, even though it
is illegal, get the Hindus they were more polygamous in marriage.
They were more polygamous as far as the marriages were concerned as
compared to the Muslims. So, the Hindu scriptures does not put a
restriction a Hindu can marry more than one wife, as per the Hindu
scriptures. Now, let us look at the perspective of Islam as far as
polygamy is concerned. The phrase that I mentioned previously, marry
only one this is mentioned the Glorious Quran and so to Alibre,
Inshallah, to Nyssa chapter number four was number three. And let us
understand the context of this verse. Allah subhanaw taala says
with danessa chapter number four was some three phunki your whole
mouth all Bella Camino Nyssa must now
that marry a woman of your choice into threes or fours. But if you
cannot do justice, then marry only one.
So Islam gives permission for a Muslim man to have more than one
wife. And Allah subhanaw taala says in the Glorious Quran, and so
to Mesa, chapter four verse, Psalm 129. Well untestable to untidy
lubaina Nyssa, you will have hostile to me you may further work
and never will you be able to do justice between your wives, but do
not turn away from them all together.
Many people, unfortunately have a misconception that polygamy having
more than one wife, it is far that is compulsory in Islam, but
polygamy it is not fun, but rather it is an exception. As far as
Islamic rulings are concerned, it can be divided into four broad
First, that is compulsory mazahub that is recommended.
MOBA that is optional. And the fourth is macro that is disliked
and the fifth is haram that is prohibited five categories. As far
as polygamy is concerned, it comes in the category of MOBA optional.
If a person wishes you can do it. So,
in Islam, a Muslim man is allowed to have more than one wife.
Now, let us analyze what are the logical reasons why Islam permits
a Muslim man to have more than one wife. If you analyze
the males and the females, they are born in approximately the same
ratio. But if you ask a pediatrician, and the pediatrician
will tell you that, in the pediatric age itself, the female
gender is stronger as compared to the male gender. So in the
pediatric age itself, there are more deaths among men as compared
to woman as life goes on, that are dead due to drug addiction, due to
alcoholism, due to wars, due to accidents. In all of these cases,
there are more men who die as compared to the woman. So all of
these cases, there are more men who die as compared to the woman.
For example, in certain countries like India, the female population
it is more than a male population. The reason is because female
feticide and female infanticide is practice. And there was an article
that was published
that is mentioned in the Al Jazeera. The UN report on the
sixth of July 2015. It mentioned that every day in India, no less
than 7000 Girls are aborted. fetuses have been aborted in the
womb, or immediately after they're born Deeley 7000. And if you
multiply this by 365, the number of days you will get no less than
2.5 million fetuses have been aborted in the womb, or
immediately after the child is born. Female fit side and female
infanticide is topping Indiana, the country's the female
population, it'll outnumber the male population. And according to
the CIA, that is the Central Intelligence Agency. They see that
in the year 2015. It mentioned that in USA alone, there are no
less than 4.8 million females more than males in New York alone.
Point 5 million females more than males in Germany alone. 1.2
million females more than males in Bangladesh alone. 4.2 million
females more than males in Russia alone. 10 million females more
than males in the European Union, which consists of 28 countries. 10
point 2 million females more than males. I'm asking the question
that if we agree that every man needs to have only one wife, you
get asked for the statistics in 2015. That I mentioned get if for
example, in USA, every man has found a life partner yet there
would be 4.8 million females will not have life partners. In
Germany, there will be 1.2 million females without life partners if
everyone has found a spouse. So the only option for these woman
who do not have a spouse is to marry a man who already has a wife
or to become public property. Some people might say public property,
such a harsh word. It is the most sophisticated word I can use.
Having mistresses is very common in the Western countries in
America. 510 20 no problem but having more than one wife does not
go down their throat. When a woman she is a second wife. She has her
honor. She gets her rights. She lives a life of dignity. When a
woman she is a mistress, she does not get her rights, she does not
live a life of dignity. So in certain situations a person needs
to polygamy
and the Western civilization claiming to have lived a woman
that actually degraded the status of concubines Mr says society
butterflies, which are male tools in the hands of pleasure seekers
and * marketers, which are hidden behind the colorful screen
of art and culture. Now let us analyze few other reasons why
Islam permits a Muslim man to have more than one wife. For example,
if a woman she's Thai, She's biting and the couple they are not
having a child for several years. So the husband wants to have a
child. He can marry another woman so that he has an offspring and
the second wife can but natural, provide and take care of the
family and take care of the first wife as well.
For example, if a person marries a woman at a young age and this
woman she
He becomes handicapped. And because of this, she cannot do the
role of a mother or cannot take care of the children. So the only
option the husband has is to divorce the first wife, and marry
a second woman, or to keep the first wife and marry a second
woman and the second wife will provide for the family and take
care of the first wife as well. For example, if a woman has some
kind of illness, and her husband has married this woman, and this
woman she has certain kind of illness because of which she
cannot take care of the children. So in order to take care of
children, the man marries another woman.
So the only two options that the man has, if he wants to bring Papa
Blinky of the children, that he divorces the first wife and
marries a second woman, or he keeps the first wife and marries a
second woman. So from these various reasons, logical reasons
we understand why Islam permits a Muslim man to have more than one