Fariq Naik – On the Day of Judgement, there will be Absolute Justice

AI: Summary ©
The transcript is difficult to summarize as it appears to be a jumbled mix of sentences and does not contain a discernible conversation or topic.
AI: Summary ©
So different people have different capabilities, but Allah subhanaw
taala will judge each and every human being based on its
capabilities and Allah subhanaw taala will never do injustice even
in the least bit and the non Muslims on the Day of Judgment
when they come to Allah subhanaw taala no one will object to the
justice of Allah subhanaw taala what the non Muslims will say, Oh
Allah subhanaw taala give us a second chance and Allah subhanaw
taala will say it is too late. So, let us turn to Allah subhanaw
taala Better late than never let us turn to Allah subhanaw taala
ask forgiveness from Allah subhanaw taala before it is too