Fariq Naik – Muslim Ruled Spain for 800 Years
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The transcript is difficult to summarize as it appears to be a jumbled mix of statements from various speakers, including mentions of religion and culture.
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We Muslims we ruled Spain for 800 years we didn't do the job. Later
on the Christian crusaders came and wiped up the Muslims there was
not even a single Muslim who could openly give the Adan that the call
for prayer. We Muslims beaver the lots of Arabia for 1400 years for
a few years the French game for a few years the Britishers came but
overall we Muslims with the loss of Arabia for 14 years get today
in Arab land. There are 14 million Arabs who are Coptic Christians.
Coptic Christian means Christians since generations, these 14
million Arabs who are Coptic Christians, they are giving
shahada they are bearing witness that Islam was not paid by the