Fariq Naik – Muhammad – pbuh is the Prophet Mentioned in the Bible to be like Moses
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It is further mentioned in the Bible, in the Old Testament, in
the book of Deuteronomy, chapter number 18, verse number 18,
Almighty God speaks to Moses, peace be upon him, and says, I
will raise them up a Prophet for my mind thy brethren like unto
thee. And I shall put My words into his mouth, and he shall speak
to them all that I command. But many of the Christians say that
this prophecy refers to Jesus Christ, peace be upon him. And
when we ask them that, how does this prophecy refer to Jesus
Christ, peace be upon him. So they say, You're the prophecy says, I
will raise them up a Prophet from among thy brethren, like unto
thee. The Prophet to come should be like most, peace be upon him.
And the similarities that they give between Prophet Moses, peace
be upon him, and Prophet Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, are
that both of them are Jews and both of them are messengers of
God. If these two are the only similarities of fulfillment of
prophecy. Then there are several prophets that are mentioned in the
Bible that fulfill the prophecies. All the prophets, after Prophet,
most peace be upon him. All of them fulfill the prophecy. All of
them are Jews, and all of them are messengers of God. For example,
Solomon, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Daniel, Joel, John the Baptist, all of
them are Jews, and all of them are messengers of God.
Thus, this prophecy does not befit anyone but the last and final
messenger, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.