Fariq Naik – Muhammad (pbuh) is the Final Messenger Sent to Mankind
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Allah subhanaw taala says in the Glorious Quran and Sunnah azab
chap number 33 was number 40. Makana Muhammad
will likely rasool Allah Muhammad Nabi, what can Allahu be coalition
Halima that Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he is
not the father of any of you men, but he's the Messenger of Allah
and the seal of the prophets and Allah has full knowledge of all
things since Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. He was the last
and final messenger. He was not sent only for the Muslims are only
for the Arabs, but you will set for the whole of humanity. And it
has mentioned the Glorious Quran in surah Ambia chapter number 21
was 107 One ma Malacca in LA Rahmatullah. Allah means that we
have sent the nod but as a mercy to all the worlds as a mercy to
all the creatures as a mercy to the whole of humanity.
A similar message is mentioned in the gods Quran and Sunnah Sabha
chapter number 34 was number 28 One ma laka laka Lynas but she
wrote one of the law well I can axon naskila Moon, that we have
sent the not but as a universal messenger, giving glad tidings and
wanting them but most of them did not know.
Since Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, he was the last and
finally messenger. He was not sent only for the Muslims or only for
the Arabs, but he was sent for the whole of humanity
and we Muslims we believe that the Glorious Quran, it is the last and
final revelation of Allah subhanaw taala revealed to the last and
final messenger, Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.
We believe that the Glorious Quran, it is the word of God,
whatever the Glorious Quran says, We believe in it. That is the
reason we believe that Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, he's
the last and finally the Messenger of Allah subhanaw taala. But for
the non Muslims in order to prove to the non Muslims that the Quran
is the word of God, that Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, he is
the last and final messenger. I will take the help of one word of
the gods Quran which I consider the master key for doing Dawa.
Allah subhanaw taala says in the Glorious Quran in surah Al Imran
Chapter number three was some 64 The ILO ILA collimating, Salah
imbiah Now Albania come come to common terms, ask us a new Allah
subhanho wa Taala says the ILO Illa Kelemen Salah in Benin
Albania come come to common terms as between us and you.
Let's analyze Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him in the way his
world religious scriptures. So the followers they consider the
scripture to be the word of God and Prophet Muhammad peace be upon
him is prophesied in the scriptures. So they will believe
in that