Fariq Naik – Maurice Bucaille Grew Academically after Reading the Quran Understanding

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The speaker discusses the Glorious title of Islam, stating that it is impossible to translate the title without reading the source material. They also mention the source material being the Glorious Quran, which is a source of pride for Islamists.
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After doing research, he wrote a book, the Bible, the Quran and
science which became very famous.
The main point to be noted here is that a non Muslim a question in
order to understand the Glorious Quran better, he learns Arabic as
language. So the best excuse me Muslims give is we did not know
Arabic as language. I did not expect every Muslim to be as
enthusiastic as Dr. Maurice bouquet. But even if we did not
know Arabic as language,
we should at least read the translation of the Glorious Quran.
Mullah Abdul Majeed Delia dabba doo said that the Glorious Quran,
it is the most untranslatable book on the face of the earth.
Because the soul holy, it is so pure, that is so noble. It is so
unsurpassable it is so intelligible that it is very
difficult to translate the Glorious Quran
and it is impossible to translate the Glorious Quran but yet the
scholars have spent years in the Kate in doing research and have
translated the gloss Quran, though it is not 100% perfect as it is
human handiwork but if you read the translation of the Glorious
Quran, you will get the basic message of Islam