Fariq Naik – Logical Evidence that Men and Women are Equal in Islam

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The transcript is difficult to summarize as it appears to be a jumbled mix of disconnected sentences and quotes.
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I would like to end my talk by giving a short example.
Overall men and women are equal. In some aspects, man has a degree
of advantage. In some aspects woman has a degree of advantage.
For example, if in a classroom, there is examination conducted,
and student A and Student B stand out first, and they get 80 out of
100. If you analyze, each question holds or contains 10 marks
to answer in question number one, Student A, he gets nine out of 10
and Student B gets seven out of 10. And to answer that question
number two, Student B gets nine out of 10. And Student A gets
seven out of 10. And the remaining eight questions they both get
eight out of 10. Overall, they get 80 out of 100.
But if you analyze to answer a question number one, Student A has
a degree of advantage. And to answer in question number two,
Student B has a degree of advantage.
So all men and women in Islam are the same.
In some aspects, man has a degree of advantage in some aspects woman
has a degree of advantage. For example, if a man walked by he
enters my house. I would love to I believe in equal rights, I will
not tell my sister, I will not allow mother to go and fight.
Allah has given me most when I will go and fight where strength
is concerned, man has a degree of advantage. And as I mentioned
it has mentioned cyber karate world in number eight book Avada
Hadees number 5971. The mother gets three times more love,
respect and companionship of the child as compared to the Father.
And if you analyze the woman's writing slam based on the
authentic sources, that is the Glorious Quran and the authentic
hadith, you have no option but to agree that the woman's right in
Islam, they are modernizing and they are not outdated. wakrah Dawa
hamdulillahi rabbil aalameen