Fariq Naik – Jewish and Christian Scriptures Do Not Limit Marriage
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The transcript is difficult to summarize as it appears to be a jumbled mix of sentences and sentences with no discernible meaning or context.
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The same is a crease with Christianity. There is no limit. A
Christian man according to the Bible can marry as many wives as
he wishes. It does not restrict a Christian man to marry only one
wife. The same is the case with Judaism. If you read the Jewish
Scriptures, Abraham had three wives, Solomon had 700 wives. So
Christian man, according to Christianity can marry more than
one wife. It was later on that the Christian church put a
restriction. The same is the case with Judaism. A Jew can marry more
than one wife. It was later on that Rabbi Joseph Ben Yehuda, he
issued an edit and he said that a Jewish man should marry only one
wife. So Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, all of these religions,
they permitted their followers according to their scriptures to
have more than one wife.