Fariq Naik – It is Haram to wish the Christians Merry Christmas
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The speaker discusses the Christmas message Merry Christmas from Jesus Christ peace be upon him, followed by a Christmas party where everyone gives Christmas wishes. The speaker also talks about the use of Jesus Christ peace be upon him in religion and the difficulty of proving it through evidence.
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Now in a few weeks, in December, we'll have the Christmas.
Many of the Muslims, whenever they meet their Christian friends, in
order to increase a friendship, they say Merry Christmas. To know
when you are saying Merry Christmas, you are giving shahada
that knows of Allah, Allah subhanaw taala has begotten a son
on the 25th of December. Leave aside collecting them, we are
becoming a party to them. The only thing you have to ask your
Christian friend is Why do you celebrate Christmas? So he will
tell you it is the birth of Jesus Christ peace be upon him. Then you
ask them this question peace be upon him. They will tell you that
He's almighty God immediately Odawa starts that there's not a
single unequivocal statement in the complete Bible where Jesus
Christ peace be upon him himself says that I am God or where He
says Worship Me. If you point out a single unequivocal statement in
the complete Bible, where Jesus Christ peace be upon Himself says
that I am God already says Worship Me and ready to accept
Christianity that was so simple.
So you just have to ask them a simple question.
That who is Jesus Christ peace be upon him, then the work is done.
Allah subhanaw taala says in the Glorious Quran in surah baqarah.
Chapter number two was number 121, Tala and Kalia who dwell in Surah
maletto Never will the Jews and the Christians be satisfied unless
you follow their brand of religion. Allah subhanaw taala
save so the Bacara chapter number two was Psalm 111 Were all layered
Hello Jana lemon Tara who then own a surah
the Jews and the Christians they say that now when you enter
Paradise, unless you be a Jew or Christians, with all your Salah
with all of fasting without luck on your forehead, you will not go
to Paradise unless you be a Jew or Christian. Till Karmani you, that
is their beliefs, but quasi backless
tell them how to bouddhanath produce your proof and condemn saw
the pain if you should be truthful. And the Christians they
have produced their Bible in no less than 2000 different
languages. And they keep saying My Bible says this. My Bible says
that my Bible says this, my Bible says that. So what should we do?
Swallow the Bible, hook line and sinker? Whenever anyone gives us a
proof. What do we do? Whenever anyone shows you an ID card? What
do you do? You check it so they have to check their proof.
Allah subhanaw taala says that you have to check their proof. Leave
aside checking their proof these Christians they're using our Quran
Abu Han against us