Fariq Naik – Islam is the Fastest Growing in the West
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The segment discusses the increasing popularity of Islam as the fastest growing religion in America and Europe. The segment also mentions the media's claims that Islam has solved problems of humanity, citing studies showing a decline in humanity's ability to deal with nuclear weapons.
AI: Summary ©
There was an article published in the Reader's Digest Almanac,
yearbook 1984,
and was reprinted in the plain truth magazine,
which showed the increase of the major world religions from 1934 to
1984. And number one religion was Islam, which increased by 230 5%.
Christianity only 47% Which war took place between 1934 to 1984,
which forced millions of people to accept Islam, which soared. Today,
the fastest growing religion in America is Islam. The fastest
growing religion in Europe is Islam. The fastest growing
religion in the West is Islam. You know, the media says that Islam
subjugates the woman, do you know out of those people accepting
Islam, two thirds of them a woman who is forcing these American and
European woman to accept Islam? Why are they accepting Islam?
Because they know that Islam has a solution to the problems of
humanity. The more the media malign Islam, the faster it grows.
Dr. Adam Pierson said
that people are worried that one day nuclear weaponry will fall in
the hands of the Arabs the fail to realize that the Islamic bomb, the
bomb of the religion of peace has already been dropped. It fell the
day of Muhammad peace be upon must be