Fariq Naik – In which Situations is Backbiting Permitted in Islam
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Let's take the first question. Assalamu alaikum My name is Iman.
I am a student and I'm from Kashmir. Are there any situations
in which Backbiting is allowed in Islam? Allah subhanaw taala says
in the Glorious Quran in surah surah chapter 49 Verse number 12
Yeah you Hello the manager Tony boo cathedra min of one in Nevada
one if
all you believe a wide suspicion for suspicion, in most cases is a
sin. Well, it just says who wala Yatta Baba Kumbaya and do not spy
on each other and
do not bite bite each other
or your head.
Okay, he might in fact if to move. Would any of you like to eat the
meat of your dead brother, you would deny it.
So by biting it is prohibited in Islam.
But there are certain situations in which the scholars they have
said that by biting it is permitted and inshallah I will
discuss six situations in which backbiting it is permitted.
The first is that when you're complaining regarding someone, if
someone has done something bad to you, if he has robbed you, if he
has cheated you if he has lied to you. So you complain to the ruler
or to the judge regarding this person. So in this situation
Backbiting is permitted. The second is warning the people
regarding a particular person.
For example, someone is involved in robbing, in cheating in
deceiving, he's involved in some thing that is a Buddha. He's
involved in Shrek, so you want the people to stay away from such a
The third is inquiring regarding someone. For example, if you want
to do business with someone so inquire regarding this person
regarding his character,
whether his character is good or No, whether he's involved in
cheating, if he's an honest person, because you are going to
deal with this person. So you inquire regarding this person.
You inquire regarding a DI for example, if you want to listen to
him, if you want to gain knowledge from him.
So inquire whether this di he's on the Quran and Sunnah. He's
following the Quran and Sunnah are no.
You inquire regarding a scholar
if he is on the character, Kedah, if he's falling the Quran and
Sunnah or no.
So when you want to inquire regarding someone, and if you
want, for example, your sister she wants to get married, and you come
across a person and you want to inquire regarding his character,
whether he's good or No, whether you have a Salah
whether he cheats, whether he's a good person, whether he's a bad
person, whether he smokes, etc, because your sister is going to
get married to this person. So you need to inquire regarding the
negative traits regarding the character of this person.
So in these situations, backbiting it is permitted. The fourth is
that you want
the people regarding a public figure, for example, if a public
figure he's involved in something that is haram, he's involved in
some beta, he's promoting Sheikh. So, you want the people that they
should stay away from this person. And the fifth is that you ask a
for example, you have a family dispute, you have a family
argument. So you ask the scholar regarding this person.
So as a scholar, a fatwa or an opinion regarding this family
dispute, and you need to explain the family dispute, so you need to
mention the bad things or the bad points that this person has done
to you. So in this situation backbiting it is permitted the six
when the judge asks you regarding a person
and you need to speak the truth regarding a witness for example,
is this witness a good person? Is his character good? Is he honest?
So you need to speak the truth. If this witness, is this character
good or is his character bad? So in these situations, by biting, it
is permitted. So there are six situations in which Backbiting is
permitted. The first is when you want to complain regarding someone
if he's done something bad to you. The second is warning the people
regarding someone if he's involved in something bad if he's a robber,
if he's a cheater if he's involved in some beta if he's involved in
sharing, the third is inquiring regarding someone. The fourth is
when the judge asks you regarding someone for example, a witness so
you tell regarding this person.
The fifth is
warning the people regarding a public figure if he's involved in
something bad, or if he's promoting some beta or something
that is involving into shake, and the sixth is asking a scholar
regarding a family dispute or any opinion asking his fatwa. So in
these situations Backbiting is permitted.