Fariq Naik – In Ibaadah, Prohibition is the Default Rule & in Other Things, Permission is the Default Rule

Fariq Naik
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the restriction of eating certain foods on Shabbat, specifically related to the name Hollyen. They mention that no special treatment is required for the day, but there may be restrictions on certain foods. The speaker also mentions the upcoming Shabbat, Mirage event and the potential for "slack on the name Hollyen."
AI: Transcript ©
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Allah subhanaw taala says the Glorious Quran in no less than

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four different places and so to Bukhara chapter number two was the

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173 and so to Maya chapter five, verse number three in total Anam

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chapter number six was Psalm 145. And so we're gonna have chapter 16

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verse Psalm 115 Holy metallic who will make the toward the muramyl

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Cinzia forbidden for you food ah dead meat, blood, flesh of swine,

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and any food on which any other name besides Allah's name has been

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taken. So generally, all food is permitted, unless there's specific

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evidence, which proves that certain foods are prohibited. For

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example, pork, the flesh of swine, blood, dead meat, as far as

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Mohammed atta concern, everything is permitted, unless proven

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otherwise. Now as far as Shabbat, Shabbat, Mirage is concerned,

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there is no authentic hadith which proves that the Prophet peace be

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upon all the Sahaba Is there any specific I bother, so we should

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see to that we do not do any special Ibadah on this day of

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ultra well Mirage as they call it shall be burrata shall be a

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