Fariq Naik – If the Slaughterer Forgets to Mention Allah’s Name, Is the Meat Halaal

Fariq Naik
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes two different opinions on the name of Allah's name. One person may want to mention the name of Islam, while the other person may want to mention his name. The first person is hesitant to mention the name of Islam when they are slaughtering an animal, but the second person suggests that they should. The second person is also hesitant to mention the name of Islam when they are sacrificing an animal, but they do not want to cause confusion.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu alaikum I'm Ali from Kenya, and I am a medical student

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and I study in Medical College. If someone who slaughtering an animal

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forgets to mention the name of Allah subhanaw taala is the Meet

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Halal to eat? As far as mentioning the name of Allah subhanaw taala

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before slaughtering an animal is concern.

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Is it compulsory or no? The first opinion is the opinion of the

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Hanafi, Maliki and humbly school of thought when they say that it

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is compulsory to mention the name of Allah subhanaw taala before

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slaughtering animals and based on the words of the Glorious Quran

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from sutra Nam chapter number six, well attack Kuruman Malamute Chris

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Mala Halle, and eat not on that which Allah's name has not been

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mentioned. So based on this verse of the Glorious Quran, they see

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that it is compulsory, to mention the name of Allah subhanaw taala.

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Before slaughtering an animal, and when we are slaughtering an animal

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it is mentioned that at least our beloved Prophet Muhammad, peace

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and blessings be upon him, that we should see Bismillah Allahu Akbar,

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in the name of Allah as the greatest. So the first opinion is

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that it is compulsory to recite, to mention the name of Allah

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subhanaw taala when we are slaughtering an animal, but if a

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person forgets, then there is no blame upon him based on the hadith

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of our beloved Prophet Muhammad may peace and blessings be upon

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him. When our beloved Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, said

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ruffian Almighty rufiyaa an almighty and Hapa when they cry,

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Master, critical ally, that forgetfulness has been lifted from

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my ummah, and they're exempted when they forget, as well as if

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they're forced to do something. So if a person genuinely he mentioned

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the name of Allah subhanaw taala, when he's sacrificing, but

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occasionally, he forgets the name of Allah subhanaw taala. Or maybe

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once in a blue moon, he forgets the name of Allah to mention he

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forgets to mention the name of Allah subhanaw taala when he's

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starting the animal and he genuinely forgets, then inshallah

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there is no blame upon him, and the meat but natural it is yet

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halal. The second opinion is the opinion of the Shafi school of

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thought and validation from Imam Ahmed in the humble when they see

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the second opinion is that mentioning the name of Allah

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subhanaw taala before slaughtering an animal, it is a sunnah and it's

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not compulsory, and based on the same verse of the Glorious Quran

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from Soto and chapter number six, will attack chromium Malamute,

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curse Mullah Ali and eat not on that which Allah's name has not

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been mentioned. So they say that this was specifically referring to

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the deities, the sacrifice that was offered to the deities and to

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the idols. So we know at the time of our beloved Prophet Muhammad,

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peace and blessings be upon him during the Yamaha Helia the days

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of ignorance, certain elements were sacrificed and offered to the

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false deities to the gods to the islands. So this was specifically

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referring to this meat, which is offered to the DTS and we should

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not eat this meat. But if a person forgets to mention the name of

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Allah subhanaw taala then inshallah there is no blame upon

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him if he genuinely forget, and but natural the meat is Hello, but

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whenever an individual is sacrificing an animal, he should

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see to it that he takes the name of Allah subhanho wa taala. I hope

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that answers your question.

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