Fariq Naik – If After 4 Months a Severe Deformity is Discovered is Abortion Allowed
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The speaker discusses the issue of abortion in Islam, stating that it is not allowed in certain situations and that it can be done only in two situations: when the child is severely deformed and if there is a severe
the mother is in danger, or if there is a danger of a woman being murdered. The speaker also discusses the issue of abuse of children by couples and how it is prohibited in certain situations.
the mother is in danger, or if there is a danger of a woman being murdered. The speaker also discusses the issue of abuse of children by couples and how it is prohibited in certain situations.
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My name is Abdullah.
Assalamu alaikum.
I know that abortion is haram in Islam
and prior to 120 days it is allowed
for medical reasons.
But if someone finds out after 120 days,
that is four months, there is a major
deformation in the child or the child or
the fetus is severely deformed and cannot lead
a normal life and it would cause suffering
to the parents.
Is abortion permitted in this situation?
As far as abortion is concerned, it can
be divided into two broad categories.
The first is abortion prior to 120 days.
The second is abortion after 120 days.
Abortion prior to 120 days that is prior
to four months before soul has been breathed
into the child and the second category is
abortion after 120 days after four months after
soul has been breathed into the child.
As far as abortion prior to 120 days
before soul has been breathed into the child
before four months is concerned.
It can be done only in two situations.
The first is that if the child is
severely deformed and if there is a major
deformation in the child, for example, the child
has a congenital heart disease.
So in this situation if it is confirmed
by specialist doctors preferably Muslims that there is
a severe deformation in the fetus then the
fetus can be aborted.
The second situation when an abortion is permitted
prior to 120 days or prior to four
months before life is breathed into the child
is if the life of the mother is
in danger and the doctors the specialist doctors
they have confirmed regarding this.
So in this situation because the life of
the mother is in danger the fetus can
be aborted as far as abortion after 120
days is concerned after four months after soul
has been breathed into the child abortion cannot
be done after 120 days for any reason
except if the life of the mother is
in danger and this has been confirmed by
specialist doctors besides this in no situation the
child can be aborted even if there is
a severe or a major deformation after 120
days because soul has been breathed into the
child the child the fetus cannot be aborted
Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala says in the glorious
Quran in surah al-isra chapter 17 verse
31 وَلَا تَقْتُلُوا أَوْلَادَكُمْ خَشَّةً إِمْلَاكٌ نَحْنُ نَرُزُقُهُمْ
وَإِيَّاكُمْ kill not your children for want of
We shall give sustenance to them as well
as to you people many a times they
fear poverty many people they think that because
they do not have money they will not
be able to upbring their children and they
resort to abortion Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala is
telling us in this verse of the glorious
Quran that kill not your children for want
of sustenance kill not your children for fear
of poverty for Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala is
the one who will take care of them
as well as you Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala
also says in the glorious Quran surah al
-an'am chapter 6 verse number 151 وَلَا
تَقْتُلُوا أَوْلَادَكُمْ خَشَّةً إِمْلَاكٌ نَحْنُ نَرُزُقُهُمْ وَإِيَّاكُمْ
kill not your children out of poverty of
a fear of poverty.
We shall give sustenance to you as well
as to them certain people who are rich
they may not want to have more children
because they may fear they will want to
have spacing and they may fear that they
will not be able to give the correct
upbringing to their children.
They may not be able to make their
children doctors engineers and successful human beings.
They may not be able to focus on
more number of children Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala
says that Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala will provide
sustenance to you as well as to them
Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala will take care of
them and it is a test for us
human beings when we are blessed with children
that how we bring our children today.
There are so many couples in the world.
They want children, but they do not have
Whereas on the other hand we have parents
wherein they have children and they resort to
aborting their child.
What a pity Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala has
blessed you with a child and you want
to abort this child.
This is totally against the teachings of our
beloved prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.
abortion it is haram in Islam except for
the situations or the conditions that I've mentioned
only if these conditions are fulfilled or in
this situation abortion is permitted but in general
abortion it is haram in Islam and before
the glorious Quran was revealed in the Arab
It was a common practice that when a
female child was born they used to bury
her alive.
Alhamdulillah thumma alhamdulillah after the revelation of glorious
Quran this evil practice it has been stopped
in the Arab land, but yet it persists
in many countries of the world and Allah
subhanahu wa'ta'ala says in the glorious Quran
and when news is brought to them about
a female infant child his face darkens and
he's filled with inert grief.
and when news is brought to them about
a female infant child his face darkens and
he's filled with inert grief in pain should
he hide it from the people or should
he bury it into the dust?
Ah, what an evil they decide upon the
glorious Quran not only prohibits the killing of
female infant children.
It even rebukes the thought of a person
becoming sad on the news of a female
infant child.
So aborting any child whether it be male
or female it is prohibited in Islam.
unless if there is a dire situation and
unless if there is a situation as I
have mentioned earlier but in general abortion should
not be done and a person should not
resort to abortion.
It is a test for us human beings.
Our children they are a test for us
and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will take
care of our children.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala blesses us with
children and unfortunately people they resort to abortion.
So abortion it is not the solution.