Fariq Naik – Hinduism between Monotheism and Pantheism

AI: Summary ©
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AI: Summary ©
Let's discuss the concept of God and Hinduism. If you ask the
common Hindu, that how many gods does he believe in? Some may say
three, some may say 10, some 1000, while others may say podiatric
Road, 230 million. But if you ask a lot of Hindu, who's well versed
with the Scriptures, he will tell you that the Hindus should believe
and worship only one God, but the common Hindu, he believes in a
philosophy of pantheism, the common in the sense that
everything is God, the tree is God, the sun is God, the moon is
God, the human beings God, the snake is God. What we Muslims say
is everything is God's, everything belongs to God, the tree belongs
to God, the sun belongs to God, the moon belongs to God, the human
being belongs to God, the snake belongs to God. So, the major
difference between the common Hindu and us Muslims is the common
into says that everything is God, we Muslims say everything is
God's. So, the major difference between the common Hindu and us
Muslims is the apostrophe s. If we can solve this difference of
apostrophe s, the Hindus and the Muslims be will be united.
How do we do it? As Allah subhanaw taala says the ILO Illa,
Calamondin, Salah, imbibe Albania Come, come to common terms as
between us and you, which the first term Allah, Allah Allah,
that we worship, none but when Almighty God.
Let's discuss the concept of God in Hinduism based on the sacred
One of the most sacred scriptures among the Hindu scriptures is the
It is mentioned in the Indigo Upanishad chapter number six
section number two, what's number one? It can if God is only one
without a second, it has mentioned touchstar Punisher chapter number
six was the midnight not That's it got stage, Jonathan Archer Deepa,
which means of that law, he has got no superior, he has got no
lords, he has got no parents, he has got no father, he has got no
It is mentioned his last startup on the shed. Chap number four was
number 19 lattice Fatima, Asti of that God, there is no pertama
plenty man Sanskrit means images, photographs, sculptures,
paintings, statues, pictures, idols, etc.
And among the Hindu scriptures, the most widely read book is The
Bhagavad Gita.
It's mentioned the Bhagavad Gita. Chapter number seven was number
20. That all those whose intelligence has been stolen by
material desires, they watch them in God's
amongst the Hindu scriptures, the most sacred or the Vedas.
There are four Vedas. The great degrade your child with some
weight and that's part of our weight.
It is mentioned in the grid chapter number 32 was the three
knots pertama Asti of that God, there is no prathima prathima As I
mentioned earlier, it means images, photographs, sculptures,
paintings, statues, pictures, idols, etc.
It is mentioned with chapter 14 Worse than the age that Almighty
God is imageless and pure. As mentioned yet you read chapter 14
Verse number nine, and had no problems Shanthi ya some booty ma
pasty, they are entering into darkness, those who worship the
sun booty, that is a natural things like fire, water, etc. And
the worst continues and says that they're entering more in darkness,
those who worship that somebody that is the creative things like
table chair, idols, etc. Who says that you have to read chapter 40
Watts number nine.
Further, it's mentioned in a thorough wait. Book number 20. Him
number 58 Mantra metry Dave ma RC wearily, great is Almighty God.
Further it's mentioned regretted book number one, him number 164
Mantra number 46. It comes with trouble with anti truth is one God
is one but Satan saintly people call him by a variety of names.
And the way this attributes
given to Almighty God in Hinduism, in the Hindu scriptures is
mentioned a great book number two, him number one,
Almighty God, he has no less than 33 different attributes. It is
mentioned regret book number two, him number one month number three,
Almighty God he is called as Brahma. And if you translate this
into Arabic, it means Halleck that's creator, we Muslims, we
have got no objection if anyone calls Almighty God as harlech or
creator. But if anyone says that Almighty God is Brahma, who has
got four heads, and on each head is wearing the clown, that we
Muslims, let's pick objection against it. Moreover, you are
giving an image to God and you're going against tastatur Punisher,
chapter number four was number 19. And you read chapter two verse
number three, not this but the modesty of that God, Destiny,
Fatima, he has got no image.
Another attribute given to Almighty God in the great book
number two, him number one mantra Mati is Almighty God he is called
as Vishnu. And if you translate this into Arabic, it somewhat
refers to as Rob, which Sustainer or tarisha, we Muslims, they have
got no objection, if anyone calls Almighty God as Rob or sustainer
tarisha. But if anyone says that Almighty God is Vishnu, who has
got four hands, and on one of his right hands, he has a chakra to
discuss. And on the left pan, he has the conch and his flying on
the bird called Garuda, or reclining on the bed of snakes, we
Muslims, let's pick objection against it. Moreover, you are
giving an image to God and you are going against us Tara Punisher,
chapter number four was number 19. And you're done with chapter
number 32. What's number three? Not the spotty modesty of that
God. There is the image.
Further it's mentioned regretted book number eight in number one
mantra number one, ma Danya. Davison said do not worship anyone
but him alone. Praise Him alone.
It is mentioned the grid Book number six him number 45 Mantra
16. Yeah. Praise Him alone watched him alone. And the Brahma sutra
the fundamental creed of Hinduism is Braham duty and nasty. Nasty
Kington Bhagwan aka do sunnah hear me and
there's only one God not a second one. Not at all. Not at all, not
in the least bit.
So if you read the Hindu scriptures, you should understand
the concept of God and Hinduism that you have to watch only one
God who has got no images and left worship Him alone.