Fariq Naik – Do Muslims Bow down to the Ka’bah

Fariq Naik
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The speaker discusses the confusion surrounding Muslims' worship of the Kaaba, citing a source's statement that they face only one God. The speaker suggests that Muslims face confusion and evidence of their supposed supposed unity in their worship, and that they should not bow down to the Kaaba.

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			The 11th most common question is
that we Muslims, we are against
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			idol worship, then why do we
Muslims worship the Kaaba. GABA is
00:00:13 --> 00:00:16
			only after Billa. That's the
direction we Muslims, we do not
00:00:16 --> 00:00:20
			bow out the Kaaba and Allah
subhanaw taala says in the
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			Glorious Quran in surah Baqarah
Chapter number two was number 144.
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			For one li wa Chaka Chaka, Al
Masjid Al haram, then turn thy
00:00:29 --> 00:00:33
			face to the Sacred Mosque. For
example, if you Muslims want to
00:00:33 --> 00:00:37
			offer salah, some might say let's
face it was the North. Some might
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			say let's face towards the south,
some might say let's face towards
00:00:41 --> 00:00:44
			the east, some might say let's
face towards the west. So for the
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			sake of unity, we Muslims, we face
towards the harbor, and Kaaba is
00:00:49 --> 00:00:51
			only a Qibla. That's the direction
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			and allydrew See 1154 He drew the
world map. And the South Pole was
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			on top and the North Pole was down
and the Kaaba was in the center,
00:01:03 --> 00:01:06
			later on the western cartographic
scheme, and the turn the map
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			upside down, North Pole top south
pole down, get Alhamdulillah the
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			Kaaba is yet in the center.
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			So wherever you are, if you are in
the north, you face towards the
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			south, if you're on the south, you
face towards the north, if you're
00:01:20 --> 00:01:23
			on the East, you face towards the
west. If you're on the west, you
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			face towards the east, and then we
Muslims. We go for Hajj and Umrah
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			why do we circumambulate on the
Kaaba because it is the
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			commandment of Allah subhanaw
taala and his messenger but the
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			logical reason that I can think of
is that every circle has got one
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			center. So we testify that there
is only one God who's worthy of
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			worship and the statement of
Hadith Omar, may Allah be pleased
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			with them, the second Caliph of
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			It is mentioned Sable, Heidi
Walden number two book of Hajj
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			chapter number 56 had this number
670 500 Omar may Allah be pleased
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			with them said in the Alamo and
Nakahara lap of aroa tonfa Lola
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			and me will it be here sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam you look makeable
00:02:09 --> 00:02:10
00:02:11 --> 00:02:15
			her that Omar pointed the
Blackstone says that I know that
00:02:15 --> 00:02:19
			you are a Blackstone and can
neither benefit me nor harm me had
00:02:19 --> 00:02:23
			I not seen Allah's Messenger
sallallahu alayhi wasallam kiss
00:02:23 --> 00:02:24
			you I would have not kissed you
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			to the statement is sufficient to
prove that we Muslims will not
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			worship the Kaaba
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			and those Sahaba as at the time of
our beloved prophet muhammad
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			sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. They
even stood on the Kaaba and gave
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			the Adan which idol worshiper will
ever stand on the idol he
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			worships. So this is sufficient to
prove that we Muslims will not bow
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			down to the Kaaba