Fariq Naik – Detriments of Polyandry
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The transcript discusses the reasoning behind the use of multiple wives in a relationship, as it is not possible for a woman to have more than one husband. The use of multiple wives is problematic for women who have multiple husbands, as it is not possible for a woman to have more than one husband.
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The second man is more polygamous in nature as compared to a woman.
The third, there were various behavioral changes that take place
in a woman, for example, the menstrual cycle, the postnatal
bleeding, and various other changes, because of which she will
not be able to do the role of multiple wives, whereas the man
can do the role of multiple husbands. The fault that if a man
has more than one wife, that are very less chances of Weatherill
are sexually transmitted, diseases being transmitted, that is STDs.
Whereas if a woman has more than one husband, there are high
chances of these Weatherill and sexually transmitted diseases
being transmitted and it will be transmitted back to the man.
So even logically, it's problematic for a woman to have
more than one husband. Due to these various logical reasons we
understand the reasoning why Allah subhanaw taala has prohibited a
woman from having more than one husband