Fariq Naik – Can Zakaat be given to Needy Non Muslims

Fariq Naik
AI: Summary ©
A caller from UAE asks assupran Al Qaeda if he can be given a card to non-Malicans, and the representative responds that Zika can only be given to non-Malicans except for one category of Z effort, which is effective global home for those whose hearts are inclined towards Islam. The caller is impressed with Islam and the representative explains that zakah is only meant for Muslims.
AI: Transcript ©
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The next question

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from Sufi Islam, from UAE, he asks assalamu Alikum can Zika be given

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to needy non Muslims?

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Allah subhanaw taala says in the Glorious Quran in surah Tauba

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chapter number nine was number 60 in number Sadako Toulon Fukumura

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you will Misaki new ally Molina lay her while more Elefant you

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could do boom warfare record while OHare mean well feasability la

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hiragana Seville that's the car can be given to the poor, to the

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in the masala cultural for Karachi, well Moroccan Well, I'm

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Ileana Alia well more or less articulo boom and those whose

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hearts are inclined towards Islam, welfare reform and freeing of

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slaves, well who are the mean and the debtors. So, these are the

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categories of Zika and the seven is in the path of Allah subhanaw

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taala and the last is the stranded traveler. So, these are the

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categories of Zika these people they can be given a card that is

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obligated charity

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Zakah obligatory charity can only be given to Muslims. There is one

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category of the cow that can be given to non Muslims, and that is

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more alpha to coloboma, those whose hearts are inclined towards

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Islam. So if we see someone is hard as inclined towards Islam, he

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is impressed with Islam, we feel that he's going to accept Islam

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zakat can be given to this person.

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So in short, zakah is only meant for Muslims. It cannot be given to

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non Muslims except for one category of Zakah that is

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effective global home those whose hearts are inclined towards Islam,

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the car can be given to them

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