Fariq Naik – Can Zakaat be given to Needy Non Muslims

Fariq Naik
AI: Summary ©
A caller named Sadako Tulfo Cara asks if Zakah can be given to non-Might-arian non-Might-arian people. Al obligation to charity is stated as being a responsibility of non-Might-arian individuals, but it is also a responsibility of Muslims. The caller explains that Zakah is only meant for non-Might-arian non-Might-arian individuals, not everyone.
AI: Transcript ©
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The next question

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from Sufi called Islam from UAE he asks assalamu Alikum can Zakah be

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given to needy non Muslims?

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Allah subhanaw taala says in the Glorious Quran in surah Tauba

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chapter number nine was number 60 in number Sadako Tulfo Cara you

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will Misaki new ally Molina lay her while more elevated Kuru boom

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welfare record while hottie mean Wolfie Sabine Allahu Seville,

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that the car can be given to the poor, to the needy,

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in the masala cultureinfo Karate while Moroccan while I'm Alina

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Alia, while more eikelboom and those whose hearts are inclined

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towards Islam, welfare reform and freeing of slaves, while while the

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mean and the debtors, so, these are the categories of Zika and the

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seven is in the path of Allah subhanaw taala and the last is the

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stranded traveler. So, these are the categories of Zika these

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people they can be given a card that is obligated charity

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Zika obligatory charity can only be given to Muslims. There is one

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category of the cow that can be given to non Muslims and that is

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more alpha eikelboom those whose hearts are inclined towards Islam.

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So if we see someone is hard as inclined towards Islam, he is

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impressed with Islam, we feel that he's going to accept Islam zakat

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can be given to this person.

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So in short, zakah is only meant for Muslims, it cannot be given to

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non Muslims except for one category of Zakah that is

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aliphatic below boom, those whose hearts are inclined towards Islam,

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the car can be given to them

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