Fariq Naik – Can the Qur’an be Touched out Wudu

Fariq Naik
AI: Summary ©
Speaker Operator discusses the history of the Glorious absorption of the Quran and the law of the Quran, while Speaker Operator also references a culture in which Jesus is the god of the hop hop hop. The transcript does not contain any other speakers or comments.
AI: Transcript ©
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Muslims. Unfortunately, we won't sit on the Quran, like a cobra,

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neither benefiting from it ourselves nor letting others

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benefit from it.

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Many of the Muslims record the worst of the Glorious Quran from

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sort of Wattpad chapter six worse than seven, seven to 80

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in the hula Quran, Kareem fakie Maknoon ly MS

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DOS Elam, rabbil aalameen No one will touch it, except the pure

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ones. It is a revelation from the Lord of the Worlds.

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So Joe, Allah subhanaw taala is talking about the love of my foods

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and the Quran that you have today. It is a must have. But here Allah

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subhanaw taala is talking about the love of my foods that were any

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non Muslim could buy a Quran and prove the Quran wrong. So, Allah

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subhanaw taala is talking about the law of the Quran which is

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David Allah subhanaw taala

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