Fariq Naik – Can a Students Loan Interest be taken in the West as the Fees are Exorbitant

Fariq Naik
AI: Summary ©
A senior sales consultant in London explains to a customer that a student loan is highly charged for one to pay and is not allowed in certain situations. The customer is advised to avoid taking a loan in these situations and is warned about potential harm. The consultant also suggests other options for dealing with rebar, including working in a sharia compliant bank or reaching an Islamic organization for a loan.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh My name is Sarah and I

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work as a senior sales consultant in London. In the West in order to

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study a degree course, you can take student loans as the yearly

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fees are extremely high for one to pay. Hence, it is easier to take a

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student loan

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student loan in the West does consist of interest. However, the

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condition of paying back the student loan is to earn more than

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25,000 pounds a year. Otherwise you don't have to pay it back. And

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after 30 years or if a person dies, this loan will be written

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off. Is it still okay? Otherwise Muslims would not be able to study

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or attend a university as you have to take loan in order to be

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educated. What should one do? Allah subhanaw taala says in the

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Glorious Quran Surah Baqarah Chapter number two was number 278

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and 279. Yeah, you have a lady in toquilla Whether rumor came in

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rebar in money, or you believe fear Allah and give up your

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demands of Riba. If you are believers, for them to follow, if

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you do not do so, then we will be harboring Minella who are solely

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so be prepared that Allah and His Messenger will wage a war against

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you. So Riba, it is completely prohibited in Islam dealing in

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riba It is haram in Islam.

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And according to Imam at the hobby, he writes in his book

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alphabet, the 70 major sins he says that riba it is the 12th

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major sin in Islam.

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So dealing in riba it is completely prohibited It is haram.

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Now, as you have asked in your question, regarding a student

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loan, and you only have to repay this loan, if you earn more than

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25,000 pounds a year

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even in this situation,

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you cannot agree with this contract. Even if you know that

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you will not earn more than 25,000 pounds a year yet, you cannot

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agree with this contract. Because you are agreeing that in this

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situation you will

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pay rebar, you will deal in rebar. So this is completely prohibited

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in Islam.

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I'm aware that there are certain Western so called scholars who say

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that it is permitted to take a student loan to take a home loan

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to take a house loan even if it involves in Aruba.

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But the words of the Glorious Quran it is clear

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in the prohibition of dealing with rebar

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and dealing in rebar, it is a major sin.

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So, we should abstain from dealing and rebar

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and if you want to study so, there are other solutions.

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The first is that you can apply for scholarship. The second is

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that you can take a loan from an Islamic Sharia compliant bank. The

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third is that you approach an Islamic organization who will

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finance your education or who will give you a loan for education.

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But in no way should you take Riba

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and many times you know that if you deal in Riba in this world,

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you will get a lot of benefit, it will be lucrative for example, if

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you take this loan, the student loan,

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it may be for example for medicine, and then later on, you

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will become a doctor and you will earn a lot of money, you will have

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so much respect but what is the point of this money when it is

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haram? What is the point of this money when in the Accra you will

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be among the losers

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and it is a test from Allah subhanaw taala Allah subhanaw

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taala tests different people in different ways.

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So Allah subhanaw taala test people, for example, he may show

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them that they have a good offer

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to deal with riba but it is a test for this person in this situation

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Willie yet deal in riba or no.

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So this is very important that we need to abstain from all the

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things that are haram

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and inshallah you have other solutions like scholarship, you

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can take a loan from an Islamic bank, a Sharia compliant bank, or

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you can approach an Islamic organization

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who will give you a loan. So these are the options but in no way

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should deal and involve Intrabar back

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was rebar it is clearly prohibited in Islam and it is from among the

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major sins so no one should take it lightly so you should totally

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abstain from dealing in rebar

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