Fariq Naik – Can a Students Loan Interest be taken in the West as the Fees are Exorbitant
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Assalamu alaikum Warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
My name is Sarah, and I work as
a senior sales consultant in London.
In the west, in order to study a
course, you can take student loans as the
yearly fees are extremely high for one to
pay. Hence, it is easier to take a
student loan.
Student loan in the west does consist of
the condition of paying back the student loan
is to earn more than £25,000
a year.
Otherwise, you don't have to pay it back.
And after 30 years or if a person
dies, this loan will be written off.
Is it still okay?
Otherwise, Muslims
would not be able to study or attend
a university
as you have to take loan in order
to be educated.
What should one
do? Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says in the
glorious Quran Surah Baqarah chapter number 2 verse
number 278 and 279.
Oh you believe fear Allah and give up
your demands
of rebah
if you are believers.
Fa illam tafaloo. If you do not do
so, fa then we will be harbiminallahiwarasuri.
So be prepared that Allah and his messenger
will wage a war against you.
So riba, it is completely prohibited in Islam.
Dealing in riba, it is haram in Islam.
And according to Imam al Dhabhi, he writes
in his book Al Kaba'at, the 70 major
sins. He says that riba, it is the
12th major sin in Islam.
So dealing in riba, it is completely prohibited.
Student loan,
and you only have to repay this loan
if you earn more than
£25,000 a year.
Even in this situation,
you cannot agree with this contract.
Even if you know that you will not
earn more than £25,000
a year,
yet you cannot
agree with this contract
because you are agreeing
that in this situation, you will
pay riba. You will deal in riba.
So this is completely prohibited in Islam.
I'm aware
that there are certain western so called scholars
who say that it is permitted
to take a student loan, to to take
a home loan, to take a house loan
even if it
involves Indrabah.
But the words of the glorious Quran,
it is clear
in the prohibition of dealing with rebah
in riba, it is a major sin.
So we should abstain from dealing in riba.
And if you want to study,
so there are other solutions.
The first is that you can apply for
The second is that you can take a
loan from an Islamic
Sharia compliant bank.
The third is that you approach an Islamic
who will finance your education
or who will give you a loan for
your education.
in no way should
you take riba
many a times
you know that
if you deal in riba, in this world,
you will get a lot of benefit.
It will be lucrative.
For example,
if you
take this loan, this student loan,
it may be, for example, for medicine,
and then
later on, you will become a doctor and
you will earn a lot of money. You
will have so much respect.
what is the point of this money when
it is haram?
What is the point of this money when
in the akhirah you will be among the
And it is a test from Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala. Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala tests different
people in different ways.
So Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
test people. For example, he may
show them that they have a good offer
to deal with rebah,
but it is a test for this person
in this situation. Will he yet deal in
rebah or no?
So this is very important that we need
to abstain from all the things that are
And inshallah, you have other solutions like scholarship.
You can
take a loan from an Islamic bank, a
Sharia compliant bank or you can approach an
Islamic organization
who will give you a loan.
So these are the options but
in no way should deal
and involve in riba
riba, it is clearly prohibited in Islam and
it is
from among the major sins. So no one
should take it lightly. So you should totally
abstain from dealing in river.