Fariq Naik – Books Written Daily against Islam Reach Epidemic Levels

Fariq Naik
AI: Summary ©
The media is providing misleading information about Islam, causing people to believe it is only a slump and causing harm. The media's strategy is to spread misconceptions and become a best seller by writing books against the topic.
AI: Transcript ©
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And today in the international media there is wielding propaganda

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about Islam, the media, it is bombarding misinformation about

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Islam, whether it be the news channels, whether it be the radio

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broadcast stations, whether it be the television channels there is

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wielding propaganda about Islam in the international media. And it

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was an article published in the Newsweek magazine on the 16th of

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April 1979.

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The status itself in the span of 150 years from 1800 to 1950, more

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than 60,000 Books was against Islam. That means if you divide

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this by the number of days, every day, on an average more than one

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book isn't against Islam. And after 911 This has reached

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epidemic levels. Every day, several books are written against

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Islam. And if you want to become famous, what do you do? You just

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write a book against a slump and a high chance that we become a best

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seller, the high chances that that book will become popular.

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And they'll be the strategies of the media

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to spread misconceptions.

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