Fariq Naik – Before Islam, the Woman was Considered as a Source of Evil or Disgrace
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The speaker discusses the misconceptions that exists about the cultural makeup of Islam, including the belief that women are evil and that they are not. They also mention the history of the Greek civilization and the girlfriend's actions, such as being considered an instrument of the devil and causing a victim's death. The speaker concludes that the girlfriend's actions have stopped the Glorious Quran and that women are now considered evil and inaccurate.
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The seventh most common question or misconception that is there in
the minds of non Muslims is that why does Islam subjugate the
woman? By keeping her behind the way? Why does Islam subjugate the
woman by keeping them in the hijab? Before I discuss regarding
hijab, let us look at the status of the woman in the past
civilizations. If you look at the history of the Greek civilization,
woman they will look down upon and they believe in an evil woman by
the name of Bandura, who was the cause of all evil? If you look at
the history of the Roman civilization, woman they will look
down upon, and during the Senate of its glory, a man could even
take the life of his wife, prostitution and * to
Scarman. If you look at the history of the Babylonian
civilization, woman, they will look down upon and if a man
committed murder his wife was put to death. If you look at the
history of the Egyptian civilization, woman they were
considered as an instrument of the devil. If you look at the history
of the Arab civilization, before the Glorious Quran was revealed,
woman they were looked down upon, and when a female child was born
many times the female child was born alive. Alhamdulillah So Mal
hamdulillah after the revelation of the Glorious Quran, this evil
practice it has stopped