Fariq Naik – Because a Falsification Test Proves the Veracity of Statements, the Qur’an Contains Many

Fariq Naik
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The speaker discusses a theory that may not be a great work but needs to be listened to for more testing. They mention a few theories, including one involving the use of too many words, and suggest that there may be many tests to prove the accuracy of the theory. The speaker emphasizes the need for a person to confirm their theory.

AI: Summary ©

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			Albert Einstein in the 20th
century, he came up with a theory
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			and he showed three ways how to
prove his theory wrong. Later on
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			his theory after six years it was
accepted. So you may have a theory
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			it may not be a great work. It may
be right or wrong, but it has to
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			be accepted. There may be very
falsification tests that a person
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			may come up with, but it needs to
be heard. You may have many
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			theories right or wrong. It may
not be a great work but it needs
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			to be heard. Similarly, in the
Quran, there are many
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			falsification test. If you want to
put the Quran wrong. It is so
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			easy. There's so many
falsification tests