Fariq Naik – Based on Statistics, there are only Two Options, Polygamy or Promiscuity

Fariq Naik
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the various ways women in America are missing their partner's lives, including finding a spouse or becoming a public figure. They also mention the mistresses and the "spoken for" concept, which is a way of claiming to have a life partner without harming their own lives. The speaker suggests that women may need to find a partner who is willing to give them their life partner because they are missing their partner's lives.
AI: Transcript ©
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In USA, every man has found a life partner yet there will be 4.8

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million females will not have life partners. In Germany, there will

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be 1.2 million females without life partners if everyone has

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found a spouse. So the only option for these woman who do not have a

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spouse is to marry a man who already has a wife or to become

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public property. Some people might say public property, such a harsh

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word. It is the most sophisticated word I can use. Having mistresses

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is very common in the Western countries in America. 510 20 no

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problem but having more than one wife does not go down their

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throat. When a woman she is a second wife. She has her honor.

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She gets her rights. She lives a life of dignity. When a woman

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she's a mistress, she does not get her rights. She does not live a

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life of dignity. So in certain situations a person needs to

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polygamy. The western civilization claiming to uplift the woman that

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actually degraded the status of concubines Mr. Says society

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butterflies, which are mere tools in the hands of pleasure seekers

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and * marketers, which are hidden behind the colorful screen

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of art and culture.

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