Fariq Naik – Alcohol is prohibited in Islam, Hinduism and Christianity
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The 14th most common question that is there in the minds of non
Muslims is that why does Islam prohibit having intoxicants? Why
is alcohol prohibited in Islam?
Allah subhanaw taala says it's reminder chapter number five was
summer 90 Yeah you Alladhina amanu or you believe in normal camera
well my serial most certainly intoxicants and gambling well I'm
swab well as lab dedication of stones, donation of arrows,
ritual, minimal shaytaan are an abomination from Satan's
handiwork. First, anybody who are looking to abstain from such
abomination that to me prosper. So your Allah subhanaw taala is
telling us that alcohol is prohibited, gambling is
prohibited. fortunetelling is prohibited. All these things are
prohibited in Islam.
And it's similar message is he mentioned the Bible.
It's mentioned in the book of Proverbs chapter 20, verse number
one, Wine is a mocker strong drink is raging, and whosoever is
deceived thereby is not wise. It's mentioned the book of FC in
chapter number five was the 18th and Be not drunk with wine.
So even the Christian scriptures, the Bible, it prohibits having
which is mentioned in the book, I've seen Shabnam five was Psalm
Even the Hindu scripture that prohibits having alcohol, it is
mentioned several times the way does that alcohol has been
It's mentioned Manas, Matthew chapter nine, verse number 225 to
28 that alcohol has been prohibited. Now let's analyze what
are the logical reasons why alcohol has been prohibited in
Today, science tells us that a human being has an inhibitory
And this inhibitory center, it prevents a human being from doing
things that he considers wrong.
For example, a person knows that using abusive language, especially
while addressing his elders, it is incorrect.
And when he has to attend the call of nature, he knows that he has to
go to the restroom, and as the inhibitory center will prevent him
from doing so in public.
But when a person has alcohol, his inability center itself is
inhibited. This is precisely the reason that when a person is
intoxicated, many of these people they tend to use abusive and foul
language. Neither do they talk, nor do they walk properly. Many
even urinate in their clothes, they do it in public.
So today, scientific research tells us that when a person is
intoxicated, he commits many things that are prohibited.
According to the FBI report, in the year 1990 alone, 1756 rapes
took place every day, and majority more than 50% of the rapes. They
were committed in the state of intoxication.
The statistics tell us that 8% of Americans they commit *
that means every 12 to 13 American you meet he has committed *.
That means having sexual relationship with your close
relatives. For example, father with daughter, mother with son,
brother with sister to start sixth tell that 8% of Americans they
commit *.
And majority of the cases, either one or both are the people that
are in the state of intoxication.
Today, the most dreadful disease in the world, it is eight. And the
major cause of this is due to the consumption of alcohol.
Many of the people they say that I'm only a social drinker, I have
only one or two pegs. I did not get intoxicated.
Every person before he started having alcohol. He never had the
intention of becoming alcoholic. Every person started drinking
alcohol as a social drinker. And I challenge you to show me a single
social drinker who has been drinking for several years and has
not got intoxicated, at least once in his lifetime. He may have
gotten intoxicated.
And imagine even if you get intoxicated once and if you commit
a crime of * or *. The crime is so great that is a
repairable the person who has committed the crime cannot be
forgiven. It is an irreparable loss