Fariq Naik – Alcohol is Prohibited in Islaam & Hindu Scriptures
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Alcohol is a private in the Hindu scriptures, especially in
Manusmriti. Chapter number nine was number 235 That a preschooler,
a liquor drinker, a thief, and a while later of the Guru's marriage
bed, these people they are committing major sins
few verses later man smithy chapter number nine was the
military aid. That these miserable man no one should eat with. No one
should sacrifice for no one should wait to no one should marry. They
should be left wondering in the earth excommunicated from all
further expansion mana smithy chapter number 11 Muslim faith
that a preschooler, a liquor drinker, a thief and a while later
of the Guru's marriage ban and those people associated with these
people, they are committing major sins. Alcohol is prohibited in the
Hindu scriptures in several places.
Mother smithy chapter number nine was tomato 25. Mother smithy
chapter number seven Muslim 47 The grade book number eight him number
two Mantra 12 The grade book number eight him number 21 Month
Number 14