Fariq Naik – Age is never a Barrier to Learning Arabic

Fariq Naik
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the language learned during childhood that is difficult for work to be done. They also mention Dr. Morris Qaeda's experience learning Arabic as a language and his belief that the Bible is not science based. The speaker suggests that learning Arabic would encourage people to pursue a career in medicine.
AI: Transcript ©
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And I do agree that a language learned during childhood, it is

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much easier, but age is not a barrier for doing any good work.

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And that reminds me the example of Dr Maurice buchail. Dr Morris

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buchail, you all might be knowing he was a famous surgeon and

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scientist who received the French Academy Award in medicine.

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Dr Maurice buchail, he was assigned to do a research on the

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mummy of manapta, that is the mummy of Pharaoh. And Dr Maurice

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buchail, being a Christian, he knew the background of Pharaoh,

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that Pharaoh followed Moses peace be upon him. And Moses peace be

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upon him, split the sea and brought it back to normal, and

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Pharaoh drowned

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later on, Dr Morris buchail, he goes to Saudi Arabia, and he was

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shocked to know that the Glorious Quran, which was revealed 1400

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years ago, it talks about the mummy of manapta, the mummy of

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Pharaoh, that Almighty God will preserve it as sign for humanity.

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So this instigated Dr Morris buchail to read the translation on

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the Glorious Quran, and at the age of 50, in order to understand the

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Glorious Quran better, he learned Arabic as language. Imagine a non

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Muslim, a Christian. At the age of 50, in order to understand the

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Glorious Quran better, he learns Arabic as language. And he said

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that the Glorious Quran, it is in perfect conformity with

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established modern science, but unfortunately, the Bible it is not

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matching with science. It.

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