Fariq Naik – Advice for the Youth

Fariq Naik
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of learning Arabic as a means to better understand the structure of the Deen and gain insight into the future leaders of the Muslim Um [The future leaders are the future leaders of the future, and they should see to that they do things that are associated with Islam, like playing football or basketball. The speakers suggest providing opportunities for students to participate in Islamic activities and receive gifts, and the importance of learning Arabic as a means to better understand the structure of the Deen and gain insight into the future leaders of the Muslim Um [The group discusses the importance of learning Arabic as a means to better understand the structure of the Deen and gain insight into the future leaders of the Muslim Um [The speaker encourages the youth to apply for admission in three universities in Saudi Arabia.
AI: Transcript ©
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Asalaamu Alaikum, my name is Abdullah Jibreel and

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I am a student from Abuja, Nigeria.

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My question is what are your views about

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the youth of today and your advice to

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the youth?

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As far as the youth are concerned, they

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are the future leaders of tomorrow.

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The youth play a crucial role as far

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as the Muslim Ummah is concerned.

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We should see to that the youth are

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involved in Islamic activities and the Ibadah that

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is done by a young person is more

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loved by Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala than

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as compared to the Ibadah of an old

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And there is a Hadith of our beloved

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Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him which mentions

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regarding seven people who will be shaded under

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the shade of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala

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on that day when there will be no

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shade except for the shade of Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala and one of these seven

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categories of people is a person who is

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a young person, a young person who engages

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in the remembrance of Allah subhanahu wa ta

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala loves the Ibadah

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of a young person because when a person

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is young he is full of energy and

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there are several distractions and he has the

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opportunity to waste his time to do several

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other things but this young person chooses to

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serve the Deen.

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This young person chooses to worship Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala.

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This young person chooses to do Ibadah so

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the Ibadah of a young person is loved

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by Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.

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It is the duty of the elders that

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they encourage the youth to be involved in

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Islamic activities.

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The youth should see to that they do

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Da'wah that conveys the message of Islam

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to non-Muslims to those who are unaware

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of it and Islam should be presented to

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the youth in a palatable manner.

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The logical aspects of Islam should be presented

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to the youth so that they will be

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attracted towards Islam and the youth should be

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taught that Islam is not an outdated religion

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but Islam is a religion that is compatible

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with all times and we should see to

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that the youth they are involved in Islamic

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For example, the youth can be taken to

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camps and excursions wherein they can have edutainment,

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entertainment as well as doing things that are

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Islamic that will draw them closer towards Allah

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subhanahu wa ta'ala.

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For example, when the youth are taken to

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in the camps and excursions, they can play

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football, basketball and other sports as well and

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along with this they can be short talks

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and short lectures encouraging the youth to worship

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, to do Ibadah,

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to do excessive Ibadah and to involve in

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Islamic activities and at the same time during

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these camps and excursions, the youth can be

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given the opportunity to practically do Dawah, they

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can be given the opportunity to do one

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-to-one Dawah with the non-Muslims.

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This will help them immensely and it will

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encourage them.

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The youth should be given responsibilities and they

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should be given certain tasks in the society

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so that they will realize their importance and

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another important aspect is regarding the Masjid.

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The Masjid, it should not be only restricted

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to offering Salah.

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Unfortunately, many of the Masajid today, they are

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restricted only to offering Salah but the role

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of a Masjid, it is very diverse and

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various Islamic activities can be conducted in the

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So, the youth should be attracted to the

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Masjid, there should be Islamic Halaqat, there should

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be courses that should be held in the

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Masjid and at the same time there should

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be Islamic quizzes for the youth, especially inviting

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the youth to the Masjid and prizes and

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gifts can be given to the youth as

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well and in fact, there should be special

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programs designed only for the youth, focusing on

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the youth.

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The youth are very important as far as

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the Muslim Ummah is concerned and if the

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youth dedicate their lives for serving the Deen,

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it will benefit the Ummah, Muslim Ummah hugely.

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Allah SWT says in the Glorious Quran, Surah

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Al-An'am, Chapter 6, Verses 162 and

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163, قُلْ إِنَّ صَلَاٰتِي وَنُسُكِي وَمَحْيَا يَوْمَ مَاتِي

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لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ Say indeed, my prayer, my

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sacrifice, my life and my death are all

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for Allah, the Sustainer of the Worlds.

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So, we should see to that we encourage

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the youth to dedicate their lives for the

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sake of Allah SWT and it is very

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important the correct Tarbiyah and upbringing be given

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to the youth.

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From a young age, it is the duty

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of the parents to see to that their

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children have an Islamic environment.

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There should be more of Islamic schools wherein

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the environment is Islamic and Islam is taught

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to the students.

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The correct understanding of the Glorious Quran is

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taught to the students and Arabic as a

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language is taught to the students as well.

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There should be more of Islamic universities and

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I would request the youth, those who have

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passed their twelfth grade, that to apply for

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admission in one of the three universities in

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Saudi Arabia.

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That is Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University

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in Riyadh, the Islamic University of Medina in

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the city of Medina and the Ummul Quray

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University in Mecca.

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These three universities are one of the best

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Islamic universities in the world and if you

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cannot get admission in one of these universities,

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you can even apply for admission in the

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IIUM Islamic International University of Malaysia.

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So Inshallah, it will benefit you immensely.

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You will have better understanding of the Deen

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and Inshallah, you can also learn Arabic as

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a language which will help you immensely to

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understand the Glorious Quran.

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In order to have in-depth analysis of

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the Glorious Quran, it is highly recommended and

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preferable that a person learns Arabic as a

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language so that it will aid an individual

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to understand the Glorious Quran better.

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If you want to have in-depth analysis

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and understanding of the Glorious Quran, it is

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highly recommended that you learn Arabic as a

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So therefore, the youth should see to that

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they even try to learn Arabic as a

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So it is the duty of the people

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in the community as well as the elders

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and the parents that they encourage their youth

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to come closer towards the religion of Islam

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and if the logical aspects of Islam are

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presented and shown to the youth, Inshallah, they

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will be attracted towards Islam and once the

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youth realize the importance of Islam, Inshallah, it

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will benefit the Muslim Ummah largely and Inshallah,

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the Muslim Ummah will benefit through the youth.

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We pray to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala

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that may he keep the youth, the Muslim

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youth on the Siratul Mustaqeem, on the straight

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path and the youth, they are the future

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leaders of tomorrow.

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So therefore, the youth should realize their importance

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and they should realize their presence in the

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Muslim Ummah.

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So I hope that answers your question.

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