Fariq Naik – According to Islam Pregnancy Uplifts the Women
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Speaker 1 discusses a parable about Eve and her grace in cases of sin. They mention that Adam and Eve's grace is related to Adam's actions, and that pregnancy is a vacation for Eve. They also mention that Pregnancy is a curse for Eve and that the entire humanity is born in woman.
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Allah Subhan Allah says in surah Taha, chapter 20 Verse number 121
wa salam, ala bajo favela and Adam disobeyed his Lord. So in Islam,
the blame is equally put on both on Adam as well as on Eve and most
of the religions they believe that if she committed the sin, and
therefore Pregnancy is a curse for her. The whole humanity is born in
sin and pregnancy is of course for the woman. Whereas according to
slump pregnancy, it uplifts the woman and does not degrade her