Fariq Naik – A Futile Attempt to Prove the Quran Unscientific

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Speaker 1 discusses the meaning of the Glorious Quran in a surah book, specifically regarding the concept of the sun and the moon. They suggest that anyone who wants to advance should talk about the commonality and oneness of the Glorious title. Speaker 1 also mentions a famous writer named Kanon taala who describes the meaning of the word " yes, behold" in the Glorious Quran, and discusses the meaning of the word "na" in the title of "the On rush" of the book.
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There was a famous writer, a famous writer by the name of
Taslima Nasreen. She said that the the Glorious Quran says that the
sun revolves around the Earth. So how can we believe in such a
logical book? If you want to advance? I challenge any human
being to point out a single verse of the Glorious Quran which says
that the sun revolves around the Earth. What does Allah subhanaw
taala say? Allah subhanaw taala says in the Glorious Quran in
surah Ambia chapter number 21 was the metallic three who Allah the
Halacha Laila, when the hara was shamsur welcomer Kowloon people
again, yes, behold, it is Allah who has created the night and the
day, the sun and the moon, each in its orbit moving in its own
motion. And I explained regarding the meaning of the word yes,
behold, which refers to the motion of the Sun besides it revolving,
it even rotates about its own axis. So Nowhere does the Glorious
Quran say that the sun, it revolves around the Earth.
So therefore, when we are talking to people of other faiths, we
should talk about the commonality and, and we should talk about
Tawheed that is the Oneness of Allah subhanho wa Taala