Faraz Rabbani – Weekly Q&A Is It Permissible to Be an Actor

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The speaker discusses the potential for an actor to act in films directed by Islamic values, but acknowledges that it depends on the actor's own experiences and context. The current "medest implementations" of storytelling and theater are criticized, but the film industry is also problematic. The speaker suggests that the actor should consult with teachers and consider the specifics of the actor's experiences.
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This question, is it permissible to be an
This is very tricky
depends on what one is acting,
what one does, and the context of which
one does it. Much of the entertainment industry,
you know, themes and subject matters and content
is problematic Islamically, right? So theoretically
one could engage in permissible acting but you
have to consider
what you are doing and the context in
which you are doing it.
And what you are doing must be permissible
and the context in which you're doing it
must be permissible. So it, you know,
and in that one should consult about the
specifics but
it would be
And one adab of course
of gathering sessions like this is it's not
from the etiquette of gathering of knowledge for
those in attendance to be messaging others responses,
etcetera. There's
there are modes of acting that are also
permissible in many traditions. There would be traditions
of storytelling
and theater
that are permissible. I met,
one of the great Syrian Scholars who was
living in exile.
I met him in the
early 2000s, Sheikh Adib Saleh Rahimahullah
he'd advised many
Muslim theater groups on how to
theater productions that were
compliant with Islamic values and
in many parts of the Muslim world historically
they had,
know, Dua movements would do you know when
they go to village areas etcetera
they do
they would act out Islamic teachings in ways
that were
that people could relate to but through store
through principled storytelling
yet they would call to Allah SWT
or convey good values. So there
are ways, so it's not a question of
course it's not permissible, there are but the
movie and film industry is deeply problematic, it's
not a place where someone who wishes to
cultivate their faith would
be residing. But people find themselves in difficult
circumstances, that's where one should be in consultation