Faraz Rabbani – Weekly Q&A Can a Hanafi Follow the Shafii Position on the Beard
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The speaker discusses the use of chafes on beards and the associated issues with it, such as causing embarrassment and causing problems. They recommend reading an article by confidential addressed this topic.
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There's a question, can Hanafi with with
bad beard jeans follow the Shafi'i position
on beards especially with respect
when people make fun of them? One can
clean up one's beard and, you know, trim
it from the sides, whatever, so it looks
But even the chafes,
you know, shaving the beard is either prohibited
or blameworthy
across the schools. The chafes opinion is not
that of prohibition,
but it's
still blameworthy and unbecoming
a male Muslim to to fully
shave their beard. There's an excellent
article by Sheikh Noor Keller on keeping the
and guidance related to that, I would recommend
that you seek that out. Sheikh Noor Keller,
on on the beard. It's a it's an
excellent article by one of the truly distinguished
scholars of our times.