Faraz Rabbani – Weekly Q&A Am I Allowed to Take Money Given to Me as Benefits a NonMuslim Government
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The customer asks if money can be taken from a non-M-than- Muslim government, but the agent explains that it is not possible to benefit from it. The agent also clarifies that believers cannot lie or cheat and that they cannot partake of government benefits if they are in a situation where they need government assistance.
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There's a
question that,
can I take money from a non Muslim
that that that it gives towards?
there are there, you know, there are benefits
that are that are
rightfully due
to someone
living in in a country,
because they're a citizen
they're an immigrant there or they have
some kind of residency,
then if this is a,
you know, if this is a benefit that
you are rightfully
that you are rightfully
eligible for, then you can partake of it.
What you cannot do is to lie, cheat
or deceive. The believer does not lie, cheat
or deceive.
we strive
as believers
to not be dependent on others. It is
sunnah from the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.
The prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam told us
that it is better for us
to be free of need of others, Allah
will grant them
freedom of need from others.
So this is a meritorious
act that one
should strive to do. Right? To be of
those who
you know, neediness
to others. But if you're in a situation
where you need some kind of government benefit,
etcetera, then it is permissible for us as
to partake of that.